Translation of "Underground" in Japanese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Underground" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Was that deep underground,


But actually, tarantulas burrow underground.

でもタランチュラは 地下に穴を掘る

And locking it up underground.

地下に閉じ込められて いるのです

He builds himself an underground cellar.


The plant has an underground stem.


He was suspected of underground action.


There is a shopping district underground.


underground snake pits, and old abandoned towns,

地下のヘビ穴に 廃虚となった町

But something deep underground was filtering it out.

地中深くの何かが それを取り除いているんです

In Britain they call the subway the underground.


In the soil, deep underground or in the oceans.

土壌の地下深く あるいは 海中に運ばれ 貯蔵することもできるでしょう

Tom stood on the platform in Westminster Underground Station.


Mating over, she now heads underground to lay her eggs...

‎交尾が終わると ‎メスは地中に潜り産卵する

Tom slept peacefully as the underground train rattled on its way.


In the underground, to double-cross any member means sure death.


Not like "Facebook selfie with Lady Gaga at an underground party" fun.

でも「夜遊び中レディガガと自撮りして フェイスブック投稿!」的楽しさではなく

In England, the subway isn't called "subway", it is called the "underground".

イギリスでは地下鉄のことを subway ではなく underground という。

In Britain the Metro is known as the Underground, not as the subway.

イギリスでは地下鉄のことを subway ではなく underground という。

I'd defeated the four sub-bosses and got through the damn long underground labyrinth.


An underground mine can be 20 to 30 degrees cooler than the surface level temperatures.

地下の鉱山は外の温度より 10~20度涼しい

I'll tell you what, I'm never a great one for being underground for too long.


In the London underground there is a warning to "mind the gap" when boarding the train.


London is such a large city that visitors must use buses and the underground railway to get about.


Entering the underground mine was a good decision. And we've found one of the creatures we've been looking for,

鉱山に行ったのはいい判断だ 1種類の生物を見つけられた

- Where is the nearest subway station?
- Where's the nearest subway station?
- Where is the closest metro stop?
- Where is the nearest metro station?
- Where's the nearest metro station?
- Where's the nearest underground station?
- Where's the nearest tube station?
