Translation of "Surviving" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Surviving" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

His game is called surviving.


[Bear] Surviving the jungle is no easy task.


[Bear] Nice work! Surviving this desert isn't easy,

よくやった 砂漠は厳しい地だ

That's smart surviving, good decision. Well done. Okay.

賢い判断だったな すごいぞ よし

[Bear] Part of surviving in the wild is being resourceful,

サバイバルでは 頭を使え

[Bear] Part of surviving in the wild, is being resourceful

サバイバルでは 頭を使え

Where the surviving fish either suffocate or are crushed to death.

そこで息ができなくなるか 甲板に叩き付けられ死んでしまいます

Then on the retreat – where his surviving  troops were effectively sacrificed,  


Today, there are six surviving species, and they fall into two groups.

現生種は6種いて 2つのグループに分かれます

He then marched his surviving troops  over the bridges in good order – a  


Roosting on the thinnest branch possible is the best chance of surviving the night.

‎鳥は身を守るために ‎なるべく細い枝の先で休む

Who had not survived the march. He had been  Lefebvre’s last surviving child… of fourteen.

にいた ことを知って荒廃した 。彼はルフェーブルの最後の生き残った子供だった…14歳。

Suddenly one of Asia’s only surviving great apes began launching branches at Scourfield and his guide.

アジア唯一の大型類人猿は 彼らに枝を投げ始めました