Translation of "Pumpkins" in Japanese

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Pumpkins" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Tom and I carved pumpkins.


"How many pumpkins do you want?" "Three, please."

- 「カボチャ、いくつ欲しいの?」「3つ、お願いします」
- 「かぼちゃは何個欲しいの?」「3個、お願いします」
- 「南瓜は、何玉欲しい?」「3玉、お願いします」

Each can eat 20 kilos of pumpkins in just a few hours.

‎1頭が数時間で20キロもの ‎カボチャを食べることも

Pumpkins stored away after harvest for a while become ripe and good to eat.
