Translation of "Previously" in Japanese

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Previously" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

He arrived two days previously.


Previously, floods were fate for the region.


However, that involved a mountain of previously unconsidered problems.


I recognized him immediately since we had previously met.


We can come up with solutions to previously impenetrable problems.

前は解決できそうにもなかった問題の 解決策を思いつくことだってできるのです

What if our glaciers are much more vulnerable than previously thought?

思っていたよりも ずっと 脆いものだとしたら?

Tom dumped Mary's body into the hole he had dug previously.


If each one of this kids was previously using just one straw a day,

もしこの子供たちがこれまで ストローを1日1本使っていたとしたら

New York is one of the cities that I previously thought that I wanted to visit.


The email that I sent previously was probably not clear. You don't need to submit anything.


- There were a lot of Australian teachers at the English conversation school I went to previously.
- There were a lot of teachers from Australia and New Zealand at the English conversation school I went to previously.


The interdependence of thought and speech makes it clear that languages are not so much a means of expressing truth that has already been established, but a means of discovering truth that was previously unknown. Their diversity is a diversity not of sounds and signs but of ways of looking at the world.
