Translation of "Lowest" in Japanese

0.035 sec.

Examples of using "Lowest" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

He haunts the lowest resorts.


It's the lowest point of the story.

物語で一番 どん底に当たる場面です

The boughs that bear most hang lowest.


The expense is 10000 yen at lowest.


It will cost thirty thousand yen at the lowest estimate.


Please note that we have quoted the lowest possible price.


The double bass is the lowest of the orchestral string instruments:

ダブル・ベースはオーケストラで用いる 弦5部の最低音を受け持ちます

He is the lowest of the low to tell such a lie.


The musical instruments and parts are all professional grade! And the prices are the lowest anywhere!


I'm the lowest ranking staff member, so I get stuck doing what everyone else doesn't want to do.


- We guarantee the cheapest price for a French language school in Quebec, Canada.
- We guarantee the lowest price in language academies in the province of Québec.

ケベック、カナダ にあるフランス語語学スクールの最も安い料金を保証します。

- The musical instruments and parts are completely professional quality! And yet the prices are lower than anywhere!
- The musical instruments and parts are all professional grade! And the prices are the lowest anywhere!
