Translation of "Crushing " in Japanese

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Crushing " in a sentence and their japanese translations:

And inflict a crushing defeat.


To inflict a crushing defeat on the Ottoman army.


Before crushing Charles XII's army at the Battle of Poltava.


Including the crushing victory at Ocaña,  operating alongside another friend, Marshal Soult.

スペイン軍に対する一連の勝利を勝ち取るのを手伝いました 。 モルティエはフランスに呼び戻され

And led French forces to a crushing victory over the Spanish at Ocaña.


He then attacked Spanish forces at Medina de Rioseco, winning a crushing victory against

その後、メディナ・デ・リオセコでスペイン軍を攻撃し、 2対1で数を上回った敵

In 1809 at Medellín, he inflicted a crushing  defeat on General Cuesta’s Spanish army.


The Russian army inflicted a crushing defeat on Frederick at the Battle of Kunersdorf,

ロシア軍はクーネルスドルフの戦いで フリードリヒに大勝した

At Ulm and Austerlitz, and the next year, led the attack in Napoleon’s crushing victory

はウルムとオーステルリッツで 際立って おり、翌年 、イエナでのプルーセンに対する

"If it's a light workout, OK." "Right, so will we allow crotch-kicking and eyeball crushing?"


With a heart-stopping near miss after near miss, one by one vehicles try to escape the bone-crushing beast.

ヒヤッとするニアミスの連続 骨も砕く獣から どの車も必死に逃げます