Translation of "Bats" in Japanese

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Bats" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

- Tom bats cleanup on our team.
- Tom bats 4th in our team.


What's that sound? Oh, bats!

何の音だ? コウモリだ

Twenty million free-tailed bats.


Bats fly in the dark.


Tom bats cleanup on our team.


Bats are mammals, just like us.


Bats usually fly in the dark.


- A lot of people think that bats are birds.
- A lot of people think bats are birds.


No wonder we associate bats with dark places.


Mexican long-tongued bats hone in on the flowers.

‎視覚と嗅覚と反響定位を使い ‎花を見つける

These tiny bats migrate hundreds of kilometers each year,

‎この小さなコウモリは ‎開花の時期に合わせて‎―

The exodus of millions of bats continues for hours.

‎おびただしい数の大群が ‎何時間も飛び続ける

A lot of people think that bats are birds.


These bats are adapted for fast, long-distance flights, not aerobatics.

‎コウモリが得意なのは ‎高速での長距離飛行だ ‎曲芸飛行じゃない

My son thinks that bats are reptiles because they're like pteranodons.


The bats use heat sensors around their noses to choose the target.

‎コウモリの鼻の周りには ‎熱センサーがある

Vampire bats are most active on the darkest nights. Seeking blood in the blackness.

‎チスイコウモリたちは ‎夜に最も活動的になる ‎闇の中で血を求める

- A bat is not a bird, but a mammal.
- Bats are not birds, they're mammals.


Definitely got to be careful, 'cause bats can transmit deadly viruses with just a single bite.

気をつけなきゃ コウモリにかまれると ウイルスを移されるかも