Translation of "Stinging" in Italian

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Examples of using "Stinging" in a sentence and their italian translations:

Oh, that's stinging already.

Sta già bruciando.

Stinging anemones stand in his way.

Anemoni urticanti gli bloccano la strada.

I have a stinging pain here.

Ho un dolore pungente qui.

Stinging tentacles that catch minuscule creatures floating by.

Tentacoli urticanti che afferrano minuscole creature fluttuanti.

With heavy loss. Napoleon’s stinging criticism may  have been the moment that ended Marmont’s loyalty.

con pesanti perdite. Le critiche pungenti di Napoleone potrebbero essere state il momento che pose fine alla lealtà di Marmont.

But some of the venom had stayed under his skin, and reacted, stinging again and again.

ma parte del veleno era rimasto sotto pelle e reagiva, pungendo ancora e ancora.