Translation of "That  " in Hungarian

0.033 sec.

Examples of using "That  " in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

That made that happen.

aki ezt lehetővé tette.

- Stop that!
- Stop that.

- Hagyd abba!
- Fejezd be!
- Hagyd azt abba!
- Fejezd azt be!
- Befejezni!
- Vége legyen már!

- That sucks.
- That blows.

- Az szívás!
- Ez cumi!
- Ez gáz!
- Oboa!
- Szopás a javából!

That stays that way.

Ez marad így.

So that breaks that rule.

Tehát ez is ellentmond a szabálynak.

The mindset that denies that,

az a gondolkodásmód, amely tagadja,

- Who's that?
- Who is that?

Ki az?

- What's that?
- What is that?

- Az meg mi?
- Mi az?

For that Olympics that year.

azon az olimpián.

- Cut that out!
- Stop that.

Fejezd be!

- I hope that helped.
- I hope that that helped.

- Remélem, hogy segített.
- Remélem, hasznodra vált.

- I hope that helps.
- I hope that that helps.

- Remélem, ez segít.
- Remélem, ez majd jó lesz.

- I hope that happens.
- I hope that that happens.

Remélem, ez lesz.

- Who is that person?
- Who's that?
- Who is that?

Ki az?

- Don't say that.
- Stop saying that.
- Don't say that word.

Ne mondd ezt!

- Give me that.
- Give that to me.
- Give me that!

Add ide azt.

And like that just like that

Sikolyodat még most is hallom

"That was nourishing, that was extraordinary,

"Tartalmas és különleges volt,

That anything that happened in Uruguay,

Akármi is történt Uruguayban,

- Stop saying that!
- Stop saying that.

- Ezt a beszédet hagyd abba!
- Ezt ne mondd többet!

- Follow that car.
- Follow that car!

Kövesd azt a kocsit!

- That happens sometimes.
- That sometimes happens.

- Néha történik ilyen.
- Olykor-olykor megesik.
- Megtörténik néha.

- Everybody does that.
- Everyone does that.

Mindenki csinálja azt.

- That sounds fair.
- That sounds great.

Ez igazságosnak hangzik.

- That sounds great.
- That sounds awesome.

Fantasztikusan hangzik.

- Stop doing that.
- Stop doing that!

- Hagyd azt abba!
- Hagyd ezt abba!

- Leave that alone.
- Leave that alone!

Hagyd azt békén!

- Look at that!
- Look at that.

Azt nézd!

She likes that I do that.

Tetszik neki, hogy azt teszem.

It's impossible that she said that.

Lehetetlen, hogy ő ezt mondta.

- That sounds beautiful.
- That sounds lovely.

Ez csodásan hangzik.

- That sounds good!
- That sounds good.

Ez jól hangzik.

- Close that door.
- Close that door!

Csukd be azt az ajtót!

- That was fast.
- That was quick.

Ez gyors volt.

- Let's do that!
- Let's do that.

Tegyük azt!

- I knew that.
- I knew that!


Does that mean that we won?

Ez azt jelenti, hogy győztünk?

He denies that he did that.

Tagadja, hogy ő tette volna.

- Everybody did that.
- Everyone did that.

Mindenki ezt tette.

- That sounds promising.
- That sounds hopeful.

- Ez reményt ébreszt bennem.
- Ez bizakodásra késztet.

- Stop that car.
- Stop that car!

Állítsa meg azt az autót!

- I remember that.
- I remember that!

- Emlékszem rá!
- Emlékszem rá.

- I'd buy that.
- I'll buy that.

Megvenném azt.

- Isn't that sweet?
- Isn't that cute?

Hát nem édes?

- You did that.
- You've done that.

Ezt ti tettétek.

That is all that he said.

Ez minden, amit mondott.

- That was difficult.
- That was hard.

Nehéz volt.

- I've got that.
- I understood that.

Ezt megértettem.

I'm happy that you did that.

Boldog vagyok, hogy megtetted.

- He wanted that.
- She wanted that.

- Ezt akarta.
- Ez kellett neki.
- Ez kellett őneki.

- That smells good.
- That smells nice.

Jó az illata.

We know that that isn't true.

Jól tudjuk, hogy az nem igaz.

But that means recognizing that technology that tracks who we are,

De ez azt is jelenti, hogy elismerjük: a személyiségünket,

- I thought that was obvious.
- I thought that that was obvious.

Azt hittem, ez nyilvánvaló.

- I think Tom deserves that.
- I think that Tom deserves that.

Szerintem Tom megérdemli.

- I think Tom understood that.
- I think that Tom understood that.

Úgy látom, megértette ezt Tomi.

- I knew that was Tom.
- I knew that that was Tom.

Tudtam, hogy ez Tom volt.

- You know I hate that.
- You know that I hate that.

Tudod, hogy utálom azt.

- I don't think that works.
- I don't think that that works.

Nem hiszem, hogy ez működik.

- That means Tom was right.
- That means that Tom was right.

Az azt jelenti, hogy Tomnak volt igaza.

- I thought that Tom did that.
- I thought Tom did that.

Azt hittem, Tom tette.

- Is that all?
- Is that it?
- Is this everything?
- That all you've got?
- Is that everything?

Ez minden?

- I think that anyone can do that.
- I think that anybody can do that.
- I think anyone can do that.
- I think anybody can do that.

Azt hiszem, bárki meg tudja csinálni.

Imagine that:

Gondoljanak bele:

Imagine that.

Képzeljék el!

Roger that.


Grab that.

- Ragadd meg!
- Ragadd meg azt!

That works.

- Ez működik.
- Az működik.

That worked.

Ez működött.

That helped.

Ez segített.

Ignore that.

Mellőzd azt!

Check that.

Nézd meg azt!

That hurts.

- Fáj.
- Ez fáj!
- Az fáj.

Remember that.

Ne felejtsd el!

What's that?

Az mi?

That sucks.

- Hát ezt beszoptuk!
- Erre aztán rápacsáltunk!
- Ez cumi!
- Megszívtuk!

Why that?

Miért azt?

That should follow from that very activity.

amely a mozgásból következik.

That are designed to do just that.

amelyeket erre a célra terveztek.

And we know that that doesn't happen.

Tudjuk, hogy ez nem történik meg.

That those that were seen a civil

hogy azokat, akiket udvariasnak tartanak,

That great woman that we all admire.

Helen Kellertől vett idézettel kezdem.

A particular community that manages that resource;

a forrást kezelő bizonyos közösség

At that time we had documents that...

Akkoriban azok az iratok...

- What is that thing?
- What's that thing?

- Mi az az izé?
- Mi az a valami?

- What is that noise?
- What's that noise?

- Mi ez a zaj?
- Mi ez a hang?
- Mi ez a zörej?

- I'd like that.
- I'm up for that.

Szeretném azt.