Translation of "Suggesting" in Hungarian

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Suggesting" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

- Are you suggesting that I am lying?
- Are you suggesting I'm lying?

Ön azt állítja, hogy én hazudok!?

Are you suggesting I'm a liar?

Azt mondod, hogy hazug vagyok?

What are you suggesting to me?

Mit javasolsz nekem?

- What are you suggesting?
- What are you proposing?

Mit javasolsz?

- What do you suggest?
- What are you suggesting?

Mit tanácsolsz?

So there's research suggesting that authenticity has two components:

Kutatások szerint a hitelességnek két összetevője van:

Are you suggesting they're not who they say they are?

Azt akarod mondani, ők nem azok, mint akinek mondták magukat?

- So what are you suggesting?
- So what do you suggest?

Szóval mit javasolsz?

- What do you suggest?
- What are you suggesting?
- What do you propose?

Mit tanácsolsz?

- What you say is simply ridiculous.
- What you are suggesting is simply ridiculous.

Amit állítasz, az egyszerűen nevetséges.

- What are you driving at?
- What are you hinting at?
- What are you suggesting?

Mire akarsz kilyukadni?