Translation of "Nectar" in German

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Examples of using "Nectar" in a sentence and their german translations:

Bees feed on nectar.

Die Bienen essen Nektar.

Search of pollen and nectar .

in einem Fünf-Kilometer-Radius.

The fly receives a gift of nectar.

Die Fliege bekommt ein wenig Nektar.

Honey is made from nectar, not pollen.

Honig entsteht aus Nektar, nicht aus Blütenstaub.

Tom tried to steal the gods' nectar and ambrosia.

Tom versuchte, der Götter Nektar und Ambrosia zu stehlen.

- Bees are busily collecting nectar from flowers and turning it into honey.
- Bees are busy collecting the nectar from flowers and turning it into honey.
- Bees busily collect nectar from flowers and turn it into honey.

Bienen sammeln emsig den Blütennektar und wandeln ihn in Honig um.

The vivid colors of the petals attracted bees to feast on the nectar.

Die kräftigen Farben der Blütenblätter lockten Bienen zum Schmausen des Nektars.

And with tongues almost the length of their bodies, they lap the sugary nectar deep within.

Mit Zungen fast so lang wie ihre Körper schlecken sie den zuckerhaltigen, verborgenen Nektar.