Translation of "Accompaniment" in German

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Accompaniment" in a sentence and their german translations:

Tofu is a good accompaniment for sake.

Tofu passt gut zu Sake.

I want to sing to his piano accompaniment.

Ich möchte zu seiner Klavierbegleitung singen.

Fame is not always an accompaniment of success.

Ruhm ist nicht immer ein Begleiter des Erfolgs.

High fever is a frequent accompaniment of influenza.

Hohes Fieber ist ein häufiges Grippesymptom.

She played the piano accompaniment for a violin solo.

Sie spielte die Klavierbegleitung für ein Geigensolo.

- The singing and the orchestral accompaniment are gradually becoming louder.
- The singing as well as the orchestral accompaniment gradually gets louder.

Der Gesang und die Begleitmusik des Orchesters werden allmählich lauter.

- Tofu is a good accompaniment for sake.
- Tofu goes well with sake.
- Tofu goes well with good sake.

Tofu passt gut zu Sake.