Translation of "Wished" in French

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Wished" in a sentence and their french translations:

- She wished she had more time.
- He wished he had more time.
- He wished she had more time.

- Elle aurait aimé disposer de davantage de temps.
- Elle aurait aimé disposer de plus de temps.

- I wished him a good night.
- I wished her a good night.

Je lui disais bonne nuit.

- Tom wished everybody a merry Christmas.
- Tom wished everyone a merry Christmas.

Tom a souhaité à tout le monde un joyeux Noël.

Tom wished Mary good luck.

Tom souhaita bonne chance à Marie.

She wished to be beautiful.

Elle souhaitait être belle.

We all wished for peace.

- Nous souhaitions tous la paix.
- Nous souhaitions toutes la paix.

- Tom wished he could've stayed longer.
- Tom wished he could have stayed longer.

Tom aurait souhaité pouvoir rester plus longtemps.

- I wished it would last forever.
- I wished that it would last forever.

J'aimerais que cela dure éternellement.

- I wished I was somewhere else.
- I wished that I was somewhere else.

J'aimerais être ailleurs.

I always wished I could dance,

J'aurais toujours aimé souhaiter pouvoir danser,

I wished him a good night.

Je lui disais bonne nuit.

I wished her a good night.

Je lui disais bonne nuit.

He wished she had more time.

Il aurait aimé qu'elle dispose de plus de temps.

He wished he had more time.

Il aurait aimé disposer de plus de temps.

I wished him a good journey.

- Je lui ai souhaité bon voyage.
- Je lui souhaitai bon voyage.
- Je lui souhaitai un bon voyage.

He wished that I might understand.

Il voulait que je comprenne.

She wished she had more time.

- Elle aurait aimé disposer de davantage de temps.
- Elle aurait aimé disposer de plus de temps.

Tom wished he could've stayed longer.

Tom aurait souhaité pouvoir rester plus longtemps.

I wished it would last forever.

J'aimerais que cela dure éternellement.

- Tom wished he had someone to talk to.
- Tom wished that he had someone to talk to.
- Tom wished he had somebody to talk to.
- Tom wished that he had somebody to talk to.

Tom aurait souhaité avoir quelqu'un à qui parler.

That you'd wished you'd thought up yourself?

que vous auriez aimé avoir vous-même ?

Everybody wished he had been elected governor.

Tout le monde aurait voulu qu'il soit élu gouverneur.

She wished to punish only those responsible.

Elle ne souhaitait punir que ceux qui étaient responsables.

He sometimes wished to go to extremes.

Il voulait parfois faire usage de moyens extrêmes.

Tom wished he could understand French better.

Tom aurait aimé pouvoir mieux comprendre le français.

All wished each other a Merry Christmas.

- Tous se sont souhaités un joyeux Noël.
- Toutes se sont souhaitées un joyeux Noël.

I wished that I was somewhere else.

J'aimerais être ailleurs.

- Tom said that he wished Mary wouldn't do that.
- Tom said that he wished that Mary wouldn't do that.
- Tom said he wished that Mary wouldn't do that.

Tom a dit qu'il espérait que Mary ne fasse pas ça.

I wished: "Please, please, it has to stop raining!"

J'ai souhaité: "S'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît, il faut qu'il arrête de pleuvoir!"

She wished she had been born twenty years earlier.

Elle aurait voulu être née vingt ans plus tôt.

Mary said she wished I was more like Tom.

Marie a dit qu'elle souhaitait que je ressemble plus à Tom.

- We all wished for peace.
- We all desired peace.

- Nous souhaitions tous la paix.
- Nous souhaitions toutes la paix.

We couldn't have wished for a better start of things.

Nous n'aurions pas pu souhaiter une meilleure prise de départ.

I couldn't have wished for a better gift this Christmas.

Je n'aurais pas pu rêver d'un meilleur cadeau pour ce Noël.

Tom wished that he could play tennis as well as Mary.

Tom espérait qu'il pourrait jouer au tennis aussi bien que Marie.

- Tom said that he wished he hadn't tried to do that by himself.
- Tom said that he wished that he hadn't tried to do that by himself.
- Tom said he wished that he hadn't tried to do that by himself.

Tom a dit qu'il regrettait d'avoir essayé de faire ça tout seul.

I told him that I wished him a lifetime full of healing

Je lui ai dit que je lui souhaitais une vie pleine d'acceptation,

- I bade good night to her.
- I wished her a good night.

Je lui disais bonne nuit.

She kissed us on the cheek and wished us a good night.

Elle nous déposa un baiser sur la joue et nous souhaita bonne nuit.

Well, I bet Wagner wished that he hadn't stolen that music from "Harry Potter."

Je parie que Wagner aurait espéré ne pas avoir volé cette musique de Harry Potter.

She wished for a more relaxing life, but that was impossible under the circumstances.

Elle désirait une vie plus détendue, mais dans ces circonstances, c'était impossible.

Tom and Mary said they wished they could do that as well as John.

Tom et Marie ont dit qu'ils aimeraient pouvoir faire ça aussi bien que John.

I wish I were what I was when I wished I were what I am.

Si seulement j'avais été ce que j'étais quand je pensais que j'étais ce que je suis.

When I was in high school, I wished every day that a meteorite would fall.

Durant mes études secondaires, je souhaitais chaque jour qu'une météorite s'écrase.

- Tom said he wished he were a fish.
- Tom said he'd like to be a fish.
- Tom said that he'd like to be a fish.
- Tom said that he wished he were a fish.

Tom a dit qu'il aimerait être un poisson.

Denying she was an anarchist, Katja maintained she wished only to make changes in our government, not to destroy it.

Déniant qu'elle était une anarchiste, Katja soutenait qu'elle souhaitait seulement faire des changements dans notre gouvernement, pas le détruire.

- Did you want to talk to me?
- Did you want to speak to me?
- You wished to speak with me?
- Did you want to speak with me?

- Vouliez-vous me parler ?
- Est-ce que tu voulais me parler ?

Evening come, since you were slightly tired, you wished to sit in front of a new Café located on the corner of a new boulevard, still full of gravel and already showing its unfinished splendors.

Le soir, un peu fatiguée, vous voulûtes vous asseoir devant un café neuf qui formait le coin d'un boulevard neuf, encore tout plein de gravois et montrant déjà glorieusement ses splendeurs inachevées.

There in glad haste I trace the wished-for town, / and call the walls "Pergamea", and cheer / my comrades, glorying in the name well-known, / the castled keep to raise, and guard the loved hearth-stone.

J'y fonde une cité ; je l'appelle Ilion : / l'heureuse colonie applaudit à son nom. / Je l'invite à chérir sa demeure nouvelle, / à bâtir de ses mains sa haute citadelle.

"First must Trinacrian waters bend the oar, / Ausonian waves thy vessels must explore, / first must thou view the nether world, where flows / dark Styx, and visit that AEaean shore, / the home of Circe, ere, at rest from woes, / thou build the promised walls, and win the wished repose."

" La Sicile verra de tes nefs vagabondes / la rame opiniâtre importuner ses ondes. / Du redoutable Averne il faut domter les flots, / de la mer d'Ausonie il faut fendre les eaux, / de l'île de Circé braver l'onde infidèle, / avant de reposer dans ta cité nouvelle. "

We might have wished all people to take care of their onions, their religion, their intimate convictions, without bothering their neighbor, who may not want it. Let those who want to practice do so soberly. But if someone prevents you from chewing your own gum, then let him steam his couscous alone.

Nous aurions aimé que chacun s'occupe de ses oignons, de sa religion, de ses intimes convictions, sans importuner son prochain, qui n'en veut peut-être pas. Que celui qui veut pratiquer le fasse sobrement. Mais si quelqu'un t'empêche de mâchonner ton propre chewing-gum, laisse-le alors cuire son couscous, seul.