Translation of "Saturn's" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Saturn's" in a sentence and their french translations:

"Whether ye sail to great Hesperia's shore /and Saturn's fields, or seek the realms that own / Acestes' sway, where Eryx reigned of yore, / safe will I send you hence, and speed you with my store."

" Soit qu'aux champs de Saturne, aux rivages latins, / appelés par les dieux, vous suiviez vos destins ; / soit qu'aux champs fraternels de l'heureuse Sicile / chez un prince allié vous cherchiez un asile ; / comptez sur mes bienfaits, comptez sur mes secours. "

- Saturn's daughter, fearing it, and remembering the protracted war which she had first waged at Troy on behalf of her beloved Argives -- the causes of her anger and her fierce grievances had still not died down in her soul.
- This feared she, mindful of the war beside / waged for her Argives on the Trojan plain; / nor even yet had from her memory died / the causes of her wrath, the pangs of wounded pride.

Tremblante pour sa gloire, et pour les Grecs qu'elle aime, / se rappelant encor tous ces fameux combats / que pour ces Grecs chéris avait livrés son bras, / une autre injure parle à son âme indignée.