Translation of "Hippos" in French

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Hippos" in a sentence and their french translations:

Hippos live in Africa.

Les hippopotames vivent en Afrique.

- Hippos live in Africa.
- Hippopotamuses live in Africa.

Les hippopotames vivent en Afrique.

- Hippopotamuses live in water.
- Hippos live in water.

Les hippopotames vivent dans l'eau.

Hippos keep cool in water during the heat of the day,

Le jour, les hippopotames restent au frais dans l'eau,

Why are you telling me about hippos all of the sudden? I don't see the connection between that and your twelve red goldfishes.

Pourquoi tu me parles d'hippopotames tout d'un coup ? Je ne vois pas le rapport entre ça et tes douze poissons rouges.