Translation of "Fabius" in French

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Examples of using "Fabius" in a sentence and their french translations:

Back in Italy, Fabius’ six-month term expired

De retour en Italie, le mandat des six mois de Fabius a expiré

Troops, the under-pressure Fabius would have none of it.

mécontents, le Fabius sous pression aurait rien de cela.

Were the two latest embarrassing incidents that caused outrage against Fabius in the Senate,

Falernus étaient les deux derniers incidents embarrassants qui ont provoqué l'indignation contre Fabius au Sénat.

Now that Fabius Maximus was elected dictator, Hannibal was encamped just 130km from the city of Rome.

Maintenant que Fabius Maximus a été élu dictateur, Hannibal est campé à seulement 130 km de la ville de Rome.