Translation of "Confessed" in French

0.015 sec.

Examples of using "Confessed" in a sentence and their french translations:

- I confessed.
- I've confessed.

- J'ai confessé.
- Je l'ai confessé.

- Tom eventually confessed.
- Tom finally confessed.
- Tom has finally confessed.

- Tom a finalement avoué.
- Tom finit par avouer.

Tom confessed.

Tom a avoué.

I confessed.

J'ai confessé.

She confessed everything.

Elle a tout confessé.

Tom just confessed.

Tom vient d'avouer.

Tom eventually confessed.

- Tom a finalement avoué.
- Tom finit par avouer.

The man finally confessed.

L'homme a finalement avoué.

He confessed his guilt.

Il a confessé sa culpabilité.

He confessed his crime.

Il a avoué son crime.

I confessed my sin.

J'ai confessé mon péché.

He quickly confessed everything.

Il a rapidement tout confessé.

He confessed his feelings.

Il lui a avoué ses sentiments.

The suspect has confessed.

Le suspect a avoué.

- Tom confessed to murdering Mary.
- Tom confessed that he had killed Mary.

Tom a avoué qu'il avait tué Mary.

He confessed his crime frankly.

Il a ouvertement avoué son crime.

The murderer confessed his crime.

Le meurtrier confessa son crime.

- He confessed that he was guilty.
- He confessed that he had committed the crime.

Il s'avoua coupable.

I confessed to stealing the money.

J'avouai avoir volé l'argent.

He repented and confessed his crime.

Il se repentit et reconnut son crime.

He confessed to being a liar.

Il a avoué qu'il était un menteur.

He confessed that he was guilty.

Il s'avoua coupable.

A fault confessed is half redressed.

Faute avouée est à moitié pardonnée.

She confessed her love to him.

- Elle lui confessa son amour.
- Elle lui a confessé son amour.

Dan confessed everything to the police.

Dan a tout avoué à la police.

A sin confessed is half forgiven.

Péché avoué est à moitié pardonné.

As he wrung his hands, he confessed,

En se triturant les mains, il a avoué :

He confessed his sins to the pastor.

Il confessa ses péchés au pasteur.

Has anyone ever confessed to you before?

Est-ce que quelqu’un t’a déjà déclaré sa flamme ?

He confessed that he had broken the vase.

Il a avoué qu'il avait cassé le vase.

- He confessed his guilt.
- He admitted his guilt.

- Il a confessé sa culpabilité.
- Il reconnut sa culpabilité.

According to the papers, the man has finally confessed.

Selon les journaux, l'homme s'est finalement confessé.

He was interrogated so much that he finally confessed.

À force de le cuisiner, il a fini par lâcher le morceau.

- He confessed that he was guilty.
- He pleaded guilty.

- Il s'avoua coupable.
- Il reconnut sa culpabilité.

To everyone's surprise, Fadil quickly confessed to the murders.

À la surprise de générale, Fadil avoua rapidement les meurtres.

"You no longer need to lie! Your colleague has confessed everything."

"Vous n'avez plus besoin de mentir! Votre collègue a tout avoué."

- Tom confessed that he had killed Mary.
- Tom admitted killing Mary.

- Tom avoua avoir assassiné Mary.
- Tom a reconnu avoir tué Marie.
- Tom avoua qu'il avait tué Mary.

The suspect was given the third degree until he confessed his crime.

Le suspect avait eu un interrogatoire sévère avant qu'il n'avoue son crime.

- He confessed his guilt.
- He acknowledged his faults.
- He admitted his guilt.

- Il a confessé sa culpabilité.
- Il a confessé sa faute.
- Il reconnut sa culpabilité.

Tom confessed his love to me yesterday and we have started dating.

Tom m’a déclaré sa flamme hier, et depuis nous sortons ensemble.

The lumberjack confessed to the IBAMA that he'd chopped down a protected tree.

Le bûcheron a avoué, devant l'IBAMA, qu'il a coupé un arbre protégé.

- He confessed his guilt.
- He owned up to his fault.
- He admitted his guilt.

- Il a confessé sa culpabilité.
- Il a confessé sa faute.
- Il a fait son mea culpa.
- Il reconnut sa culpabilité.

- Tom confessed to murdering Mary.
- Tom admitted that he murdered Mary.
- Tom admitted that he had killed Mary.
- Tom confessed that he had killed Mary.
- Tom admitted killing Mary.
- Tom admitted he had killed Mary.
- Tom admitted he murdered Mary.
- Tom admitted he'd killed Mary.
- Tom admitted that he'd killed Mary.

Tom avoua qu'il avait tué Mary.

So mused I, blind with anger, when in light / apparent, never so refulgent seen, / my mother dawned irradiate on the night, / confessed a Goddess, such her form, and mien / and starry stature of celestial sheen. / With her right hand she grasped me from above, / and thus with roseate lips:

Ainsi je m'emportais, lorsque dans la nuit sombre / ma mère, dissipant la noire horreur de l'ombre, / jeune, brillante, enfin telle que dans les cieux / des immortels charmés elle éblouit les yeux, / me retient, et me dit de sa bouche de rose :

There, in a temple built of ancient stone / I worship: "Grant, Thymbrean lord divine, / a home, a settled city of our own, / walls to the weary, and a lasting line, / to Troy another Pergamus. Incline / and harken. Save these Dardans sore-distrest, / the remnant of Achilles' wrath. Some sign / vouchsafe us, whom to follow? where to rest? / Steal into Trojan hearts, and make thy power confessed."

Je visite du dieu le temple tutélaire, / et je m'écrie : " O toi, que dans Thymbre on révère, / à ce malheureux peuple, errant, persécuté, / donne un asile sûr, une postérité ! / Où faut-il transporter, nous, nos dieux, et Pergame ? / Viens, parle, éclaire-nous, et descends dans notre âme ! "

'Twas night; on earth all creatures were asleep, / when lo! the figures of our gods, the same / whom erst from falling Ilion o'er the deep / I brought, scarce rescued from the midmost flame, / before me, sleepless for my country's shame, / stood plain, in plenteousness of light confessed, / where streaming through the sunken lattice came / the moon's full splendour, and their speech addressed, / and I in heart took comfort, hearing their behest.

La nuit couvrait le ciel ; tout dormait, quand mes dieux, / ravis dans Troie en cendre à la fureur des feux, / aux rayons de Phébé qui brillait tout entière, / m'apparaissent en songe, éclatants de lumière, / consolent mes chagrins, et m'adressent ces mots :

- "But I, who walk in majesty as queen of the gods, both sister and wife of Jupiter, I am still waging wars with one tribe for all these years! And who will worship the divine spirit of Juno after this, or what suppliant will bring an offering to her altars?"
- "But I, who walk the Queen of Heaven confessed, / Jove's sister-spouse, shall I forevermore / with one poor tribe keep warring without rest? / Who then henceforth shall Juno's power adore? / Who then her fanes frequent, her deity implore?"

" Et moi, qui marche égale au souverain des cieux, / moi, l'épouse, la sœur du plus puissant des dieux, / armant contre un seul peuple et le ciel et la terre, / vainement je me lasse à lui livrer la guerre ! / Suis-je encore Junon ? et qui d'un vain encens / fera fumer encor mes autels impuissants ? "