Translation of "Brow" in French

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Brow" in a sentence and their french translations:

Sweat bathed her brow.

Son front était mouillé de sueur.

Distended neck veins, a sweaty brow,

une distension des veines du cou, elle avait le visage en sueur,

Wipe the sweat from your brow.

Essuie la sueur de ton front.

Her brow was beaded with perspiration.

Son front se perlait de sueur.

Sweat was pouring from his brow.

La sueur dégoulinait de son front.

His furrowed brow suggested lingering doubts.

Son froncement de sourcils indiquait des doutes persistants.

He wiped the sweat from his brow.

Il essuya la sueur de son front.

On hearing that, he knitted his brow.

En entendant cela, il fronça les sourcils.

I felt the sweat trickle down my brow.

J'ai senti la sueur goutter sur mon front.

A bead of sweat started forming on his brow.

Une goutte de sueur perla sur son sourcil.

- He wiped the sweat from his forehead.
- He wiped the sweat from his brow.

Il essuya la sueur de son front.

- Sweating, he dried his forehead with his tie.
- Sweating, he mopped his brow with his tie.
- He was sweating, and dried his forehead with his tie.
- He was sweating, and mopped his brow with his tie.

Il suait et il s'est essuyé le front avec sa cravate.

Meanwhile great Neptune, sore amazed, perceived / the storm let loose, the turmoil of the sky, / and ocean from its lowest depths upheaved. / With calm brow lifted o'er the sea, his eye...

Cependant de ses flots, sans son ordre agités, / Neptune entend le bruit ; il entend la tempête / mugir autour d'Énée, et gronder sur sa tête.

Triton, Cymothoe from the rock's sharp brow / push off the vessels. Neptune plies amain / his trident-lever, lays the sandbanks low, / on light wheels shaves the deep, and calms the billowy flow.

Les Tritons, à sa voix, s'efforcent d'arracher / les vaisseaux suspendus aux pointes du rocher ; / et lui-même, étendant son sceptre secourable, / les soulève, leur ouvre un chemin dans le sable, / calme les airs, sur l'onde établit le repos, / et de son char léger rase, en volant, les flots.

He talked to her about her eyes, how that they were beautiful dark-blue seas, and that thoughts and feelings floated like mermaids therein; and he spoke of her brow, how that it was a fair snowy mountain, and many other such like things he told her.

Il lui parla de ses yeux, comme ils étaient de beaux océans bleus-foncés et que des pensées et des sentiments y flottaient tels des sirènes ; et il parla de ses sourcils, comme ils étaient de belles montagnes enneigées, et il lui dit beaucoup d'autres choses similaires.

"O light of Troy, our refuge! why and how / this long delay? Whence comest thou again, / long-looked-for Hector? How with aching brow, / worn out by toil and death, do we behold thee now! / But oh! what dire indignity hath marred / the calmness of thy features? Tell me, why / with ghastly wounds do I behold thee scarred?"

" O vous, l'amour, l'espoir et l'orgueil des Troyens, / Hector, quel dieu vous rend à vos concitoyens ? / Que nous avons souffert de votre longue absence ! / Que nous avons d'Hector imploré la présence ! "