Translation of "Birthplace" in French

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Examples of using "Birthplace" in a sentence and their french translations:

Do you know his birthplace?

Savez-vous où il est né ?

That's why it’s the birthplace of alpinism.

C’est pour ça qu’il a donné, vraiment, naissance à l’alpinisme.

Our imaginations are the birthplace of new products, new services,

Notre imagination et le berceau de nouveaux produits, de nouveaux services

Every student was asked his or her name and birthplace.

On a demandé à chaque étudiant son nom et son lieu de naissance.

In France, its birthplace, Tatoeba became a cultural and social phenomenon.

En France, son berceau, Tatoeba devint un phénomène culturel et social.

He told me his age, his birthplace, his family, and so on.

Il me dit son âge, son lieu de naissance, sa famille, et ainsi de suite.

- Do you know his birthplace?
- Do you know where he was born?

Savez-vous où il est né ?

The Mont Blanc massif is kind of the birthplace of climbing in Europe.

Le Massif du Mont Blanc est un peu le berceau de l'alpinisme en Europe.

Using the in-game map, we can zoom in on 9th century France, the birthplace of feudalism.

En utilisant la carte du jeu, nous pouvons zoomer sur la France du 9ème siècle, berceau de la féodalité.

- Turning over such things in her inflamed heart, the goddess came to the country of storm-clouds, Aeolia, breeding place of the raging winds.
- Such thoughts revolving in her fiery mind, / straightway the Goddess to AEolia passed, / the storm-clouds' birthplace, big with blustering wind.

En prononçant ces mots, la déesse en furie / vers ces antres, d'Éole orageuse patrie, / précipite son char.