Translation of "Terror’" in Finnish

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Terror’" in a sentence and their finnish translations:

She screamed with terror.

Hän kirkui pelosta.

Tom could never forget the terror of war.

Tom ei voinut koskaan unohtaa sodan kauheuksia.

Anne lived in terror of being captured by Nazis.

Anne eli natsien vangitsemaksi tulemisen pelossa.

- I have a terror of heights.
- I'm afraid of heights.
- I have acrophobia.

Minulla on korkean paikan kammo.

One student says the purge is still going on in China and terror is widespread.

Eräs opiskelija sanoo, että puhdistus on Kiinassa edelleen käynnissä ja terrori on levinnyt laajalle.