Translation of "Dominated" in Finnish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Dominated" in a sentence and their finnish translations:

Dinosaurs once dominated the earth.

- Dinosaurukset hallitsivat aikoinaan Maata.
- Hirmuliskot hallitsivat aikoinaan Maata.

Pythagorean thought was dominated by mathematics, but it was also profoundly mystical.

Pythagoralaista ajattelutapaa hallitsi matematiikka, mutta se oli myös mystistä perusteiltaan.

It was a system that dominated Russian rural life for the next 200 years.

Tuo järjestelmä löi leimansa Venäjän maalaiselämään seuraavan 200 vuoden ajan.

My childhood memories are completely dominated by the rocky shore, the intertidal and the kelp forest.

Lapsuudenmuistoissani ovat - kivikkoinen ranta, vuorovedet ja merilevämetsä.

- A man who is poor, but independent of other people, is only dominated by his needs. A man who is rich, but dependent, is subordinate to another person, or to several.
- The poor man is independent of other people, and only has to answer to his needs. The rich man is independent of his needs, but has to answer to other people.

Köyhä, joka ei ole muista riippuvainen, on yksinomaan omien halujensa hallitsema. Rikas, joka nojaa muihin, on toisen tai toisten alainen.