Translation of "يصاب" in English

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Examples of using "يصاب" in a sentence and their english translations:

لماذا يصاب باستمرار؟

why does he constantly get infected?

لا أحد يصاب بالعدوى.

nobody is infected.

إنه يصاب بالزكام بسهولة.

- He easily catches cold.
- He is apt to catch cold.
- He catches colds easily.

كان سامي يصاب بنوبات.

Sami had seizures.

إنه يصاب بالزكام بسهولة جدا.

- He catches cold very easily.
- He catches colds very easily.

حين يصاب نصف الأفراد سريعي التأثر بالعدوى،

when half of the susceptible individuals have been infected,

وقال أنه يصاب بالذعر أمام المسائل العويصة، وينسى طريقة حلها.

He said that on the harder problems, he panicked and forgot how to solve them.