Translation of "Tantos" in English

0.023 sec.

Examples of using "Tantos" in a sentence and their english translations:

No tantos.

Not as many.

¡Hablas tantos idiomas!

You can speak so many languages!

Y tantos cerditos,

and the many pigs,

tantos como puedas,

and as many holes as you can,

- Lamento haberle ocasionado tantos problemas.
- Lamento haberte ocasionado tantos problemas.

- I am sorry that I have troubled you so much.
- I'm sorry that I have troubled you so much.
- I'm sorry I have troubled you so much.

Hay tantos niños así.

There are so many children like that.

Bueno, no hay tantos.

Well, there's not that many.

Han pasado tantos años.

It's been so many years.

No necesitamos tantos detalles.

We do not need so many details.

¡No des tantos rodeos!

- Let's not beat around the bush.
- Let's not beat around the bush!

Cuantas cabezas, tantos pareceres.

So many heads, so many minds.

¿Por qué tenemos tantos empleados

Why is it we have so many employees

Lamento haberte ocasionado tantos problemas.

I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble.

Has estado fuera tantos años.

You have been gone for so many years.

¿Por qué tienes tantos gatos?

- What do you need so many cats for?
- Why do you have so many cats?

Treinta años no son tantos.

Thirty isn't that old.

¿Por qué tiene tantos gatos?

Why do you have so many cats?

Tiene cincuenta y tantos años.

He's in his fifties.

Hay tantos museos como iglesias.

There are as many museums as there are churches.

Hay tantos blogs de marketing

there's so many marketing blogs

He probado tantos diferentes variaciones

I've tested out so many different variations.

tantos blogs como sea posible.

as many blogs as possible.

- No tiene tantos libros como ella.
- Él no tiene tantos libros como ella.

He doesn't have as many books as she does.

- No pasan tantos trenes de noche.
- No hay tantos trenes en la noche.

There aren't as many trains at night.

- No se moleste en hacer tantos viajes.
- No te preocupes en hacer tantos viajes.

Don't bother making so many trips.

Cuando tantos estudios muestran lo mismo,

when so many studies show the same thing,

Cuántos amigos tenía, tantos estarían preparados

how many friends he had, so many would be prepared

Tenemos tantos ejemplos que en realidad

We have so many examples that actually

Ser los motivos para tantos cambios?

the motives for so many changes?

Tiene tantos libros como su padre.

He has as many books as his father does.

Ella tiene tantos libros como yo.

She has as many books as I.

Lea tantos libros como sea posible.

Read as many books as possible.

Hay tantos lugares que quiero visitar.

There are so many places I want to visit.

¡Yo jamás he comprado tantos plátanos!

I have never bought so many bananas!

Lee tantos libros como sea posible.

Read as many books as you can.

Ella tiene tantos sellos como yo.

- She has as many stamps as I.
- She has as many stamps as I do.

Hay tantos museos como hay iglesias.

There are as many museums as there are churches.

Estos estantes no aguantan tantos libros.

- These shelves cannot support so many books.
- These shelves can't support so many books.

Jamás había visto tantos coches parados.

I'd never seen so many stopped cars.

Lucy tiene tantos amigos como yo.

Lucy has as many friends as I do.

No vas a obtener tantos suscriptores.

You're not gonna get as many subscribers.

Tal vez no tantos como son ahora.

Perhaps, not as many as you are.

¿por qué ocurre que para tantos trastornos,

Why is it, that for so many disorders,

tantos chicos como posible a la enseñanza

as many boys as we can into teaching --

Y como tantos jóvenes entusiastas del mundo,

And like so many young, thriving people all over the planet,

Si no, no tendríamos tantos suicidios adolescentes.

If not, we wouldn't have so many teenage suicides.

Aunque éramos trabajadores imprescindibles en tantos lugares

as we have been the essential workers in so many places

Con tantos animales domésticos aquí, tiene opciones.

With so many domestic animals here, she has options.

Ella ha muerto ya hace tantos años.

It has been many years since she died.

Supongo que Tom no tiene tantos amigos.

- I assume that Tom doesn't have that many friends.
- I assume Tom doesn't have that many friends.

Lee tantos libros como te sea posible.

Read as many books as you possibly can.

Tom no tiene tantos amigos como Mary.

- Tom doesn't have as many friends as Mary does.
- Tom doesn't have as many friends as Mary.

Hay tantos lugares que no he visitado...

So many places I haven't been to.

No pude pescar tantos peces como esperaba.

I could not catch as many fish as I had expected.

No sabía que Tom tenía tantos gatos.

- I didn't know that Tom had so many cats.
- I didn't know Tom had so many cats.

No está recibiendo tantos clics, necesita ajustar

isn't getting that many clicks, you need to adjust

Están usando datos, ellos tener tantos clientes,

They're using data, they have so many customers,

Hay tantos diferentes versiones de prueba social.

There are so many different versions of social proof.

Hay tantos diferentes variaciones que podrías usar

There are so many different variations that you could use.

- No hay país con tantos terremotos como Japón.
- En ningún país hay tantos terremotos como en Japón.

There is no other country in the world where earthquakes are as frequent as in Japan.

Que tantos problemas de fiabilidad nos han dado

that have created so many reliability problems

Tiene tantos matices y tantas texturas y complejidad,

it is so nuanced and so textured and so complex,

Fui director ejecutivo a los 30 y tantos,

But I was a CEO in my 30s

Después de tantos años con un gran equipo.

after so many years with such a great team.

Intenta leer tantos libros como te sea posible.

Try to read as many books as possible.

Mientras seas joven, lee tantos libros como puedas.

Read as many books as you can while you are young.

Lee tantos libros como puedas mientras seas estudiante.

Read as many books as you can while you are a student.

Nosotros debemos leer tantos libros como sea posible.

We should read as many books as possible.

A pesar de tantos esfuerzos, nunca logré complacerla.

- Despite all my effort, I never could please her.
- Despite all my effort, I was never able to please her.

Después de tantos años, es casi imposible reconocerlo.

After so many years it's almost impossible to recognise him.

En Iowa, muchos caminos no reciben tantos vehículos.

In Iowa, many roads don’t get that much traffic.

Tenemos tantos clientes que no los podemos contar.

We have more customers than we can count.

Me irritó hasta decir basta con tantos cumplidos.

She irritates me to no end with her complaints.

Los boxeadores terminan zumbados de recibir tantos golpes.

Boxers end up punch-drunk after getting so many blows.

Pero para disculparse por Comcast tenía tantos problemas,

but to apologize for and Comcast had so many issues,

Si no hubiese recibido tantos golpes en la cabeza.

if he wouldn't have taken so many blows to the head.

Y, si tantos adultos canadienses toman esta decisión racional,

So if so many Canadian adults are making this rational choice,

Más otros tantos que, sin tener un certificado médico,

Plus, those who didn't have a medical diagnosis

Si bien hay tantos virus en Europa y América

While there are so many viruses in Europe and America

Si no hubiera tantos taxis, habría menos accidentes viales.

If there weren't so many taxis, there would be fewer traffic accidents.

- Cuantos hombres, tantos pareceres.
- Hay tantas personas como opiniones.

- Many men, many minds.
- So many heads, so many minds.

Pedorrearse en un elevador está mal en tantos niveles.

Farting in an elevator is wrong on so many levels.

Lee tantos periódicos como puedas para mantenerte al día.

Read as many newspapers as you can so as to keep up with the times.