Translation of "Redonda" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Redonda" in a sentence and their english translations:

- La Tierra es redonda.
- La tierra es redonda.

The earth is round.

- Ella tiene la cara redonda.
- Él tiene la cara redonda.

He has a round face.

La tierra es redonda.

The earth is round.

Compramos una mesa redonda.

We bought a round table.

Tiene una cara redonda.

She has a round face.

Su cara es redonda.

He has a round face.

Mi cabeza es redonda.

My head is round.

Ella tiene la cara redonda.

She has a round face.

Él tiene la cara redonda.

He has a round face.

- Es cierto que la tierra es redonda.
- Es verdad que la tierra es redonda.

- It is true that the earth is round.
- It's true that the earth is round.

A que la Tierra es redonda,

that the Earth is round,

Necesitamos una mesa cuadrada, no redonda.

We need a square table; not a round one.

Ellos insistieron que la tierra es redonda.

They argued that the earth is round.

Él creía que la Tierra era redonda.

He believed that the earth was round.

Estrictamente hablando, la Tierra no es redonda.

- Strictly speaking, the earth is not round.
- Strictly speaking, the earth isn't round.

El profesor dijo que la Tierra es redonda.

The teacher said that the earth is round.

Cristóbal Colón creía que la tierra era redonda.

Columbus believed that the earth was round.

El maestro les enseñó que la Tierra es redonda.

The teacher taught them that the earth is round.

La razón de esto es que la tierra es redonda

the reason for this is that the earth is round

Nadie negará el hecho de que la Tierra es redonda.

No one will deny the fact that the world is round.

En esos tiempos la gente ya sabía que la Tierra es redonda.

People in those days already knew that the earth is round.

Que la Tierra es redonda es un hecho que nadie puede negar.

No one can deny the fact that the earth is round.

Sus incesantes aullidos alertaron a cada perro a 500 pies a la redonda.

Her ceaseless caterwauling alarmed every dog within a 500-foot radius.

Si resulta que saben, por ejemplo, que una cosa redonda y roja se llama manzana,

If you happen to know that, for example, that round red thing is called an apple,

Antes la gente no sabía que la tierra es redonda y que se mueve alrededor del sol.

Formerly people did not know that the earth is round and that it moves around the sun.

Considerad lo que les hacemos a nuestros hijos. No les decimos "algunas personas creen que la Tierra es redonda, y otras que es plana; cuando crezcas, puedes, si quieres, examinar las pruebas y llegar a tus propias conclusiones". En su lugar decimos "la Tierra es redonda". Para cuando nuestros hijos son lo suficientemente grandes como para examinar las pruebas, nuestra propaganda ha bloqueado su mente...

Consider what we do to our children. We do not say to them: 'Some people think the earth is round, and others think it is flat; when you grow up, you can, if you like, examine the evidence and form your own conclusion.' Instead of this we say: 'The earth is round.' By the time our children are old enough to examine the evidence, our propaganda has closed their minds...