Translation of "Entenderla" in English

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Examples of using "Entenderla" in a sentence and their english translations:

Si usted no quiere hablar sobre eso, intentaré entenderla.

If you don't want to bring that matter up, I'll try to understand you.

Ella necesita a alguien que sea capaz de entenderla.

She needs someone who is able to understand her.

La señora Blanco hablaba tan despacio que podía entenderla.

Ms. White spoke slowly enough for me to catch her meaning.

Es una frase hecha, no hay que entenderla literalmente.

It's an idiom. You don't have to understand its literal meaning.

La idea era tan avanzada que no podía entenderla.

The idea was so advanced that I couldn't understand it.

Que están bien vestidos y educados y ricos y que pueden entenderla,

who are well-dressed and educated and wealthy and they can understand it

Hay que ser tres para apreciar una buena historia: uno para contarla bien, otro para disfrutarla y uno para no entenderla; porque el placer de los dos primeros se duplica con la incomprensión del tercero.

- It's necessary for there to be three people to enjoy a good story: One to tell it right, one to relish it and one to not understand it. For the pleasure of the first two is doubled by the lack of understanding of the third.
- It takes three to enjoy a good story: One to tell it right, one to relish it and one to fail to understand it. The pleasure of the first two is doubled by the lack of understanding of the third.

En las traducciones, el contexto es lo más importante. Un traductor puede olvidar alguna palabra pero si tiene claro el contexto del cual hablan, podrá hacerse entender sin problemas, mas si le dan una oración aislada y sin explicación, podrá entenderla de manera muy ambigua y no traducirá el significado real del idioma original. Por esa razón siempre se debe otorgar el contexto cuando se solicita la ayuda de un traductor.

The context is the most important thing in a translation. A translator might forget a word, but if the context is clear enough to him, he could make himself understood with no problems, but if he gets an isolated sentence with no explanation, he might understand it ambiguously and he won't translate the real meaning from the original language. That's why you should always provide context when asking for a translator's help.

Cuando un angloparlante se da cuenta de que un extranjero con el que está hablando no entiende una de sus frases, la repite de la misma manera, pero más alto, como si la persona estuviera sorda. No se le ocurre en ningún momento que puede que su vocabulario sea complicado o que su expresión muy probablemente sea ambigua para un extranjero y que podría reformularla de una forma más sencilla. El resultado es que, aparte de que la persona sigue sin entenderla, ésta se enfada por ser considerada sorda.

When an English speaker realises that a foreign person they are speaking to doesn't understand one of their sentences, they repeat it, the same way, but louder, as though the person were deaf. At no point does it come to their mind that their vocabulary might be complicated or that their expression might most probably be ambiguous to a foreigner and that they could reword it in a simpler way. The result is that not only does the person still not understand, but they get irritated at being considered deaf.