Translation of "Encontremos" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Encontremos" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Quizá lo encontremos.
- Tal vez lo encontremos.

- Perhaps we will find it.
- Perhaps we'll find it.

Quizá lo encontremos.

- Perhaps we will find it.
- Perhaps we'll find it.

- Encontremos algo en qué sentarnos.
- Encontremos algo para sentarnos.

Let's find something to sit on.

Encontremos algo para sentarnos.

Let's find something to sit on.

Nos encontremos con un mal jefe.

we'll encounter a bad boss.

Espero que encontremos mucho de eso.

I hope we'll find lots of it.

Aunque no encontremos esa partícula en breve,

Regardless of whether we find that particle anytime soon,

Quizá nos lo encontremos en la calle.

Maybe we'll meet him in the street.

Dudo que encontremos a Dana antes del anochecer,

We're unlikely to find Dana before nightfall

Dudo que encontremos a Dana antes del anochecer.

We're unlikely to find Dana before nightfall.

Es absolutamente necesario que encontremos a los asesinos.

We must absolutely find the assassins.

Quizá Tom no quiere que encontremos a María.

Maybe Tom doesn't want us to find Mary.

Para afrontar y superar los problemas que nos encontremos,

to deal with and overcome problems we'll face,

Quizás encontremos más arañas de las que podemos enfrentar.

we might end up finding more spiders than we can handle.

Donde nos encontremos aplastados entre el mercado y el estado,

Where we find ourselves crushed between market and state,

Es muy improbable que alguna vez encontremos una solución a este problema.

It's very unlikely that we will ever find a solution to this problem.

Pero no te preocupes, es muy poco probable que encontremos estas especies de todos modos

but don't worry, we're very unlikely to encounter these species anyway

Encontremos oraciones con nuevo vocabulario sobre este tema, añadámoslas a la siguiente lista: _______, y traduzcámoslas.

Let's find sentences with new vocabulary on this topic, add them to the following list: _____; and translate them.

Sigo pensando que es poco probable que encontremos alguna evidencia para demostrar la culpabilidad de Tom.

I still think it's unlikely that we'll find any evidence to prove Tom's guilt.

Ésta es nuestra oportunidad de responder a ese llamado. Éste es nuestro momento. Éste es nuestro tiempo de volver a dar empleo a nuestro pueblo y abrir las puertas de la oportunidad para nuestros niños; de restaurar la prosperidad y fomentar la causa de la paz; de recuperar el sueño americano y reafirmar esa verdad fundamental, que, de muchos, somos uno; que mientras respiremos tenemos esperanza. Y donde nos encontremos con escepticismo y dudas, y a aquellos que nos digan que no podemos, contestaremos con ese credo eterno que resume el espíritu de un pueblo: Sí podemos.

This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time, to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth, that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubt and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people.