Translation of "Ansiosa" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Ansiosa" in a sentence and their english translations:

Me ponía ansiosa no trabajar.

It made me anxious not to work.

Ella está ansiosa por visitar Europa.

She is anxious to visit Europe.

Está ansiosa, angustiada, tiene miedo, tiene dudas,

anxiety, distress, fear, doubts -

Por favor vení; estoy ansiosa por verte.

Please come. I'm anxious to see you.

Ella está ansiosa por saber los resultados.

She's anxious to know the results.

Ella esperaba ansiosa el regreso de su esposo.

- She yearned for her husband to come home.
- She waited longingly for the return of her husband.

Así que tal vez, ella se sentía un poco ansiosa:

So maybe she was feeling kind of anxious:

La gente estaba ansiosa de noticias de sus familiares desaparecidos.

People were anxious for news of missing relatives.

Ella estaba ansiosa a causa de la salud de su hijo.

She was anxious about her children's health.

La gente se siente ansiosa por esa pequeña luz roja en su Blackberry,

People are compelled by that little red light on the blackberry

Cuanto más feliz soy de estar contento, más se preocupa ella por estar ansiosa.

The more I am happy to be content, the more she worries about being anxious.