Translation of "Miedo" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Miedo" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Le tienes miedo.
- Le tenéis miedo.
- Le tiene miedo.
- Le tienen miedo.

You're afraid of him.



- Tú tienes miedo.
- Tienes miedo.

- You are afraid.
- You're afraid.

¡Ten miedo! ¡Ten mucho miedo!

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

No tengas miedo, no tengas miedo

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid

- ¿Le tienes miedo?
- ¿Le tiene miedo?

Are you afraid of it?

- Le tiene miedo.
- Le tienen miedo.

- You're afraid of him.
- They're afraid of him.

- Ellos tuvieron miedo.
- Ellos tenían miedo.

They were afraid.

- Usted tiene miedo.
- Tú tienes miedo.

- You are afraid.
- You're afraid.

- ¿No tenéis miedo?
- ¿No tiene miedo?

- Aren't you afraid?
- Aren't you frightened?

Da miedo.

It's scary.

Sin miedo.

without fear.

¿Tienes miedo?

- Are you afraid?
- You're afraid?

Tenía miedo.

- I'm scared.
- I'm frightened.
- I got scared.
- I was afraid.
- I was frightened.
- I was scared.
- I felt scared.

Tendrán miedo.

They'll be afraid.

Tengo miedo.

- I am afraid.
- I'm afraid.

Tienen miedo.

They're scared.

Mucho miedo.

to scare you.

Tiene miedo.

- He is afraid.
- He's afraid.

¿Tenías miedo?

Were you scared?

Tenías miedo.

You were scared.

¿Tenéis miedo?

- Are you afraid?
- You're afraid?
- Are you scared?

¡Qué miedo!

How scary!

Das miedo.

You're scary!

- Tienen miedo de mí.
- Me tienen miedo.

They're afraid of me.

- ¿Por qué tienes miedo?
- ¿Por qué tiene miedo?
- ¿Por qué tenés miedo?

Why are you afraid?

- ¿Le tienes miedo a Tom?
- ¿Tienes miedo de Tom?
- ¿Te da miedo Tom?

Are you afraid of Tom?

Da mucho miedo dejarse tratar. Da mucho miedo.

It's very scary to go to the treatment. It's very scary.

- Ellas no tenían miedo.
- Ellos no tenían miedo.

They weren't afraid.

Layla tenía miedo y yo tenía miedo también.

Layla was scared and I was scared, too.

Pero tenía miedo.

But I was afraid.

Simplemente, sintió miedo.

She was just afraid.

No tengas miedo.

- Don't be afraid.
- Don't be scared.
- Don't be afraid!

Le tienes miedo.

You're afraid of him.

El miedo prevalece.

Fear prevails.

Me das miedo.

- You scare me.
- You're scaring me.

Siempre tiene miedo.

He is always scared.

Le tienen miedo.

They're afraid of him.

No tiene miedo.

- She has no fear.
- He has no fear.

¿Me tienes miedo?

- Are you afraid of me?
- Are you scared of me?

Tú tienes miedo.

You are scared.

Daba mucho miedo.

That was pretty scary.

Me dais miedo.

I'm afraid for you.

Me tienen miedo.

They're afraid of me.

No tengo miedo.

- I'm not afraid.
- I am not afraid.
- I'm not scared.
- I'm not frightened.
- I'm unafraid.

Tienes miedo, ¿no?

You're scared, aren't you?

Tiene mucho miedo.

He is very fearful.

Tom tiene miedo.

- Tom's afraid.
- Tom is afraid.

¡No tenemos miedo!

We're not afraid.

¿No tienes miedo?

Aren't you afraid?

Tengo mucho miedo.

- I'm very afraid.
- I am very afraid.

No tendré miedo.

I will not be afraid.

¿Te doy miedo?

Do I frighten you?