Translation of "Volumosos" in English

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Examples of using "Volumosos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Estes presentes são realmente volumosos.

These presents are really bulky.

Maria está sentada à escrivaninha traduzindo um romance, rodeada de pilhas de volumosos dicionários. Maria precisa de todos eles, porque ela traduz com precisão quase fanática.

Maria is sitting at her desk and translating a novel. She's surrounded by heaps of big dictionaries. Maria needs all of them as she is translating with an almost fanatic precision.

Destacam-se entre as ondas as cabeças / empinadas e as rubras e altas cristas; / o restante dos corpos volumosos / desliza em grandes arcos sobre o mar.

Their breasts erect they rear amid the deep, / their blood-red crests above the surface shine, / their hinder parts along the waters sweep, / trailed in huge coils and many a tortuous twine.