Translation of "Tiveram" in English

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Tiveram" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Eles tiveram bastante tempo.
- Elas tiveram bastante tempo.

They've had plenty of time.

Diversão todos tiveram.

A good time was had by all.

Tiveram um bebê.

They had a child.

Vocês tiveram sorte.

You guys were lucky.

Eles tiveram sorte.

They were lucky.

Trabalhadores tiveram que trabalhar

workers had to work

Eles tiveram uma foto

they had a photo

tiveram um fim glorioso,

has met a glorious end,

Eles tiveram uma briga.

They had a fight.

- Houve motins.
- Tiveram motins.

There were riots.

Eles tiveram um menino.

They had a boy.

Eles tiveram vários filhos.

They had several children.

Eles tiveram uma idéia.

They had an idea.

Todos tiveram um bom ano.

- Everybody had a good year.
- Everyone had a good year.

Todos tiveram um tempo difícil.

Everybody had a hard time.

Todos tiveram que aprender francês.

Everyone had to learn French.

Seus esforços tiveram bons resultados.

His efforts led to good results.

Vocês tiveram uma boa viagem?

Did you have a good trip?

Juntos eles tiveram oito filhos.

Together they had eight children.

Eles tiveram uma discussão acalorada.

They had a heated discussion.

- Tom e Mary tiveram uma discussão enorme.
- Tom e Mary tiveram uma grande discussão.

Tom and Mary had a huge argument.

Os animais tiveram que ser mortos.

The animals had to be killed.

Eles tiveram que começar do zero.

They had to start from scratch.

As negociações tiveram muito pouco progresso.

The negotiations made little progress.

Eles tiveram de escavar durante dias.

They had to dig for days.

Tem certeza que tiveram relações sexuais?

Did you really have sex?

Tom e Maria tiveram três filhos.

Tom and Mary had three children.

Eles não tiveram chance de tentar.

They did not get a chance to try.

Eles tiveram um piquenique no campo.

They had a picnic in the field.

Eles tiveram uma idéia muito boa.

They had a very good idea.

Acho que eles tiveram uma idéia.

I think they had an idea.

- Tiveram de construir uma floresta de andaimes.
- Tiveram de construir uma grande quantidade de andaimes.

They had to build a forest of scaffolding.

Mas, baseado neste problema, tiveram uma ideia:

But, based on this problem, an idea came up:

Eles tiveram poucas oportunidades de praticá-lo.

- They have little chance to practice it.
- They had few opportunities to practice it.

Tom e Mary tiveram um casamento arranjado.

Tom and Mary had an arranged marriage.

Dos "hanging chads", mas tiveram novos problemas.

of hanging chads, but they also introduced new problems.

Foram muito felizes e tiveram muitos filhos.

They were happy and had many children.

Tom e Maria tiveram uma briga feia.

Tom and Mary had a big fight.

Sami e Layla tiveram um jantar simples.

Sami and Layla had a simple dinner.

Os vencedores, no entanto, também tiveram sorte.

The winners were admittedly also lucky.

Eles tiveram cuidado ao atravessar a floresta.

They were careful when traversing the forest.

Elas tiveram cuidado ao atravessar o pátio.

They were careful crossing the courtyard.

- Sim, sim, eles tiveram que mudar bruscamente

- Yeah, yeah, they had to pivot pretty hard

- Ouvi dizer que vocês dois tiveram uma briga.
- Eu ouvi dizer que vocês dois tiveram uma briga.

I heard that you two had a fight.

- Eles tiveram de prometer seguir as leis do México.
- Elas tiveram de prometer seguir as leis do México.

They had to promise to obey the laws of Mexico.

Foi quando vocês tiveram os Olímpicos em Sidney.

and this is when you had the Sydney Olympics at the time,

tiveram um rompimento por volta dos anos 30.

had a bit of a falling out around the 1930s.

Eles não tiveram outro recurso senão pedir desculpas.

They had no other recourse but to apologize.

Finalmente, os direitos dele tiveram de ser reconhecidos.

Eventually, his rights had to be acknowledged.

Ele engravidou a namorada e tiveram que casar.

He got his girlfriend pregnant and they had to get married.

Onde é que os Jogos Olímpicos tiveram origem?

Where did the Olympic Games originate?

Milhões de agricultores tiveram que procurar outra ocupação.

Millions of farmers had to look for other work.

Sami e Layla tiveram uma conversa muito acalorada.

Sami and Layla had a very heated conversation.

Elas não tiveram cuidado ao atravessar a ponte.

They crossed the bridge carelessly.

Elas não tiveram cuidado ao atravessar a praça.

They weren't careful while crossing the square.

Eles não tiveram cuidado ao atravessar a floresta.

They were not careful when they crossed the forest.

Sobre a experiência que tiveram com sua empresa,

about the experience they had with your company

Eles tiveram que passar grande dificuldade durante a guerra.

They had to endure great hardship during the war.

O alarme tocou e todos tiveram de ser evacuados.

The alarm rang and everyone had to evacuate.

Tom e Maria tiveram dois filhos: Paulo e João.

Tom and Mary had two sons: Paul and John.

Tom e Maria tiveram duas filhas: Paula e Joana.

Tom and Mary had two daughters: Paula and Joanna.

Tom e Mary tiveram seu primeiro filho em Boston.

Tom and Mary had their first child in Boston.

Eu sei que Tom e Mary tiveram alguns problemas.

I know Tom and Mary have had some problems.

- Tom e Mary tiveram que fazer aquilo apesar de não quererem.
- Tom e Mary tiveram que fazer aquilo embora não quisessem.

Tom and Mary had to do that even though they didn't want to.

As outras duas principais reformas de Bachelet, tiveram resultados similares.

The other two main reforms Bachelet has put through have resulted a very similar outcome.

A inundação foi o maior desastre que eles já tiveram.

The flood was the greatest disaster they had ever had.

Todos os funcionários tiveram que decorar o código de acesso.

All employees had to memorize the access code.

Tom e Mary tiveram que ir ao ensaio da banda.

Tom and Mary had to go to band rehearsal.

Eles tiveram que chamar os bombeiros para extinguir as chamas.

They had to call the firefighters to put out the flames.

A Layla e o Sami tiveram um encontro romântico americano.

Layla and Sami had a romantic American date.

Tom e Mary tiveram uma grande discussão ontem à noite.

Tom and Mary had a huge argument last night.

Vocês dois tiveram a chance de conversar sobre as coisas?

Have you two had a chance to talk things over?

E porque ele resolve esse problema que elas sempre tiveram,

and why it solves this problem they've had forever,

- Os outros não foram tão sortudos.
- Os outros não tiveram tanta sorte.
- As outras não foram tão sortudas.
- As outras não tiveram tanta sorte.

The others weren't so lucky.

Além da polícia, os bombeiros também tiveram que entrar em cena.

In addition to the police, the firemen had to make their appearance, too.

- Desta vez vocês tiveram sorte.
- Desta vez vocês estão com sorte.

- This time you were lucky.
- This time, you are lucky.
- This time, you're lucky.
- You're in luck this time.

Dois inimigos jurados tiveram de se unir contra o rival comum.

Two sworn enemies had to unite against their common rival.

Tom e Maria tiveram um piquenique romântico à margem do rio.

Tom and Mary had a romantic picnic by the river.

O Fadil e a Layla tiveram uma história de amor tumultuosa.

Fadil and Layla had a tumultuous love story.

Sami e Layla tiveram o verão de suas vidas no Egito.

Sami and Layla spent the summer of their lives in Egypt.

Ambos os carros tiveram a desonra de terminar uma volta atrás.

Both cars suffered the ignominy of finishing a lap down.

- Você sentiu a minha falta?
- Sentiu saudades de mim?
- Teve saudade de mim?
- Tiveste saudades de mim?
- Sentiste minha falta?
- Sentiu minha falta?
- Sentistes saudades minhas?
- O senhor sentiu minha falta?
- A senhora sentiu saudades minhas?
- Vocês tiveram saudade de mim?
- Tiveram saudade de mim?
- Tiveram saudades minhas?
- Os senhores sentiram minha falta?
- As senhoras tiveram saudade de mim?

Did you miss me?

- Eles tinham que ir ao hospital.
- Eles tiveram que ir ao hospital.

They had to go to the hospital.

As Viagens de Gulliver também tiveram movimento hiperreal inspirado em movimento real.

Gulliver’s Travels also had hyperreal movement inspired by real motion.

Tom e Mary tiveram que cancelar a viagem deles para a Austrália.

Tom and Mary had to cancel their trip to Australia.

O Tom e a Mary tiveram um dia proveitoso juntos no zoológico.

Tom and Mary had an enjoyable day together at the zoo.

Vai te mostrar todos os artigos populares que tiveram um bom desempenho.

will show you all the popular articles that have done well.

- Felizmente eles encontraram as chaves.
- Eles tiveram a sorte de encontrar as chaves.

They were lucky to find their keys.

Fadil e Layla tiveram uma briga na qual ela acabou chamando o 911.

Fadil and Layla had a fight in which she ended up calling 911.

- Você teve muita sorte.
- Vocês tiveram muita sorte.
- Você estava com muita sorte.

You were very fortunate.

- Você já teve um animal de estimação?
- Vocês já tiveram um animal de estimação?

Have you ever had a pet?

Eles tiveram que encontrar uma maneira de esconder cortes quando trocaram os rolos de filme.

They had to find a way to hide cuts when they changed film rolls.

Mas no final dos anos 70, Berlin e Kay tiveram uma resposta para as críticas.

But by the late 1970s, Berlin and Kay had a response for the critics.

O Tom e a Mary nunca tiveram problemas em encontrar algo sobre o que falar.

Tom and Mary never had trouble finding something to talk about.

Quando a eleição de 2000 foi para uma recontagem, as autoridades da Flórida tiveram que descobrir

When the 2000 election went to a recount Florida officials had to figure out

Os guardas tiveram sorte, desta vez, o som de um tiro foi o suficiente para o assustar.

The rangers were lucky, this time the sound of a gunshot was enough to scare it off.

A água estava tão escura que os mergulhadores da polícia tiveram que procurar o corpo pelo tato.

The water was so murky that the police divers had to search for the body by feel.

Os homens cujas mães tiveram câncer de mama correm um risco maior de desenvolverem câncer de próstata.

Men whose mothers had breast cancer run a higher risk of developing prostate cancer.