Translation of "Investem" in English

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Examples of using "Investem" in a sentence and their english translations:

Então as pessoas investem em quem elas conhecem.

So people invest in others that they know.

E ainda assim, poucas empresas investem energia em testes A/B.

yet very few companies spend any energy on AB testing.

Depois, mordidos do despeito de perder / a jovem, que lhes fora arrebatada, / de toda a parte os dânaos, congregados, / investem contra nós: o fogoso Ájax, / os dois filhos de Atreu e os dólopes em peso.

Now too, with shouts of fury and disdain / to see the maiden rescued, here and there / the Danaans gathering round us, charge amain; / fierce-hearted Ajax, the Atridan pair, / and all Thessalia's host our scanty band o'erbear.

Investem pelo mar ao mesmo tempo, / e todo o agitam desde as profundezas, / Euro, Noto, Áfrico e sua corte de procelas, / arremessando imensas vagas para as praias. / Levanta-se o clamor dos navegantes. / O cordame estridula.

- They press down upon the sea and stir it up from the lowest depths, East and South and Southwest winds as one, thick with tempests, they roll the vast waves to the shores. There follows the shouting of men and the shrieking of ropes.
- East, West and squally South-west, with a roar, / swoop down on Ocean, and the surf and sand / mix in dark eddies, and the watery floor / heave from its depths, and roll huge billows to the shore. / Then come the creak of cables and the cries / of seamen.

Os demônios depois investem contra o pai, / que em socorro acorria, de arma em punho; / vão-no envolvendo espiras poderosas: / já duas a cintura lhe constringem / e mais duas o colo, ainda sobrando / dos corpos escamosos os pescoços / e as cabeças erguendo-se medonhas.

Then, as with arms he comes to aid, they bind / in giant grasp the father. Twice, behold, / around his waist the horrid volumes wind, / twice round his neck their scaly backs are rolled, / high over all their heads and glittering crests unfold.