Translation of "Divinos" in English

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Examples of using "Divinos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Musa, relembra-me! Dos deuses a rainha, / por julgar-se ofendida em sua majestade, / agastada obrigou varão de excepcionais / virtudes a arrostar inenarráveis / situações de perigo e duras provações. / Pode haver tanto fel em corações divinos?

- Muse, recount to me the reasons; what deity was offended, or what was the queen of the gods grieving, that she should drive a man extraordinary in his piety to undergo so many misfortunes, to endure so many hardships. Do the heavenly spirits have such passions?
- O Muse, assist me and inspire my song, / the various causes and the crimes relate, / for what affronted majesty, what wrong / to injured Godhead, what offence so great / Heaven's Queen resenting, with remorseless hate, / could one renowned for piety compel / to brave such troubles, and endure the weight / of toils so many and so huge. O tell / how can in heavenly minds such fierce resentment dwell?

Depois que aprouve aos deuses destruir / da Ásia o império e de Príamo a linhagem; / depois que sem motivo Ílion soberba / tombou e toda a Troia de Netuno / foi reduzida a escombros fumegantes, / somos levados a buscar terras distantes, / desabitadas, para o exílio que os augúrios / divinos, imprecisos, nos apontam. / E construímos, assim, bem junto a Antandro, / aos pés da frígia cordilheira do Ida, / uma frota e alistamos tripulantes, / sem saber aonde os fados nos conduzem, / onde vão permitir nos instalemos.

When now the Gods have made proud Ilion fall, / and Asia's power and Priam's race renowned / o'erwhelmed in ruin undeserved, and all / Neptunian Troy lies smouldering on the ground, / in desert lands, to diverse exile bound, / celestial portents bid us forth to fare; / where Ida's heights above Antandros frowned, / a fleet we build, and gather crews, unware / which way the Fates will lead, what home is ours and where.