Translation of "Aldeia" in English

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Examples of using "Aldeia" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ninguém da aldeia notou

no one in the village realized

Estamos perto da aldeia.

We're so close to the village.

A aldeia estava silenciosa.

The village was silent.

- O tornado destruiu toda a aldeia.
- O tornado destruiu a aldeia toda.

The tornado destroyed the whole village.

Houve um tornado na aldeia.

There was a tornado in the village.

Ele cresceu numa pequena aldeia.

He grew up in a little village.

Tem muitos estábulos nesta aldeia?

Are there many cowsheds in this village?

Há uma vaca na aldeia.

There is a cow in the village.

Quantas vacas há na aldeia?

How many cows are there in the village?

Há duas vacas na aldeia.

There are two cows in the village.

Qual é a tua aldeia?

What is your village?

O mundo é uma aldeia.

The world is a village.

Como ainda não havia ido à aldeia,

Since Pepe hadn't been to the village yet,

Combates pesados ​​eclodiram na aldeia antes alvorecer.

Heavy fighting broke out in the village before dawn.

Ele é o único sobrevivente na aldeia.

He's the only survivor in the village.

Visitei a aldeia em que ele nasceu.

- I visited the village where he was born.
- I visited the village he was born in.

No centro da aldeia há uma bandeira.

In the center of the village there is a flag.

A aldeia tinha mais de mil habitantes.

The village had more than a thousand residents.

Há muitas flores nos jardins da aldeia.

There are a lot of flowers in the gardens of the village.

Que vivia na casa mais afastada da aldeia.

lived in the outskirts of the village.

Ele percorreu as cinco léguas até a aldeia

Pepe walked the 10 miles to the village,

Essa aldeia parecia ter passado por uma guerra.

It looked like a war had broken out.

... numa aldeia remota mesmo no centro da selva.

to a remote village right in the heart of the jungle.

Ele nasceu em uma aldeia perto de Teerã.

- He was born in a village near Teheran.
- He was born in a village near Tehran.

Wolfgang é padeiro numa pequena aldeia da Alemanha.

Wolfgang is a baker in a small village in Germany.

A aldeia foi ameaçada por um vasto incêndio.

The village was threatened by a vast wildfire.

Estava um grande frenesim na festa da aldeia.

The fair was packed.

Depois, vamos continuar. Devemos estar perto da aldeia Embarra.

And then we're carrying on. We should be close to the Embarra village now.

Quantas pessoas na aldeia realmente precisam de um médico

how much people in the village actually need a doctor

Passamos por uma aldeia na nossa viagem ao país.

We came by a tiny village on our way to the country.

Existe uma aldeia entre o rio e a colina.

There is a village between the river and the hill.

A cidade fica a quase quinze quilômetros da aldeia.

The town is nearly fifteen kilometres from the village.

Que ninguém havia descoberto antes: não havia bares na aldeia.

something that nobody had ever realized: there were no bars in the village,

"Queridos vizinhos, vou abrir um bar nos arredores da aldeia".

"Dear neighbors, I'm opening a bar in the outskirts of the village."

Não passou pela praça da aldeia nas quatro semanas seguintes.

He didn't set foot in the village square for the following four weeks.

Ninguém poderia ir ao seu bar nos arredores da aldeia

no one could ever get to his bar in the outskirts of the village.

A aldeia Embarra que procuramos fica 43 quilómetros para oeste,

The Embarra village we're looking for is 27 miles due west

A aldeia Embarra que precisa das vacinas contra a malária

[Bear] The Embarra village that needs these malaria vaccines

Mas, quando chega à pequena aldeia da província de Gansu,

But when he arrives at the small farming village in Gansu province,

- O terreno virou uma favela.
- O terreno virou uma aldeia.

The land became a village.

Foi até a praça da aldeia vestido com sua melhor roupa

he went to the village square in his best suit,

Contando o que se passou na aldeia durante a primeira semana.

I told her what happened in the village during the first week.

Então lhe contei o que aconteceu na segunda semana na aldeia.

So I told her what happened in the village during the second week.

Pepe se levantou bem cedo e caminhou tranquilo até a aldeia.

Pepe got up very early, and he peacefully walked to the village.

E o prefeito fugiu da aldeia. Depois, não tinha mais moeda.

The mayor ran away. Later on, there were no more coins.

Vamos ao impulso final, temos de levá-los para a aldeia.

Final push now, we need to get them to that village. Come on.

Dava menos de um quilômetro a distância da aldeia ao correio.

It was less than one kilometer to the village post office.

Chamaram o veterinário, já que não havia outro médico na aldeia.

They called the vet, since there was no other doctor in the village.

Os velhos costumes foram mantidos na aldeia por um longo tempo.

Old practices died hard in the country.

Então contei à Nina que, quando a terceira semana começou na aldeia,

Then I told Nina that when the third week started,

E os únicos cavalos que ficaram na aldeia foram os de Moncho.

And the only horses left in the village were Moncho's.

À tarde os amigos dirigem-se à hospedaria da aldeia para beber.

In the evening the friends go to the village pub for a drink.

Era uma vez um velho e sua esposa, vivendo juntos numa pequena aldeia.

Once upon a time an old man and his wife lived together in a little village.

Não, as casas na minha aldeia não são altas, mas os jardins são grandes.

No, the houses in my village aren't tall, but the gardens are big.

Se um homem sabe, uma pessoa fica sabendo. Se uma mulher sabe, fica sabendo a aldeia inteira.

If you teach a man, you educate one person. If you teach a woman, you educate a whole village.

Tom era tão velho que até os mais antigos da aldeia o conheciam apenas como um homem idoso.

Tom was so old that even those oldest in the village knew him only as an old man.

Estamos a aproximar-nos do fim da rota de cadeia fria e a aldeia Embarra fica apenas a alguns quilómetros.

We're getting near the end of this cold chain route. And the Embarra village is only a few miles away.

Nevou a noite toda. Esta manhã, as crianças da aldeia fizeram um boneco de neve, cujo nariz é uma cenoura.

It snowed the whole night. This morning the village children made a snow man. Its nose is a carrot.

Porque Vassilissa era a maior beleza de toda a aldeia, a madrasta e suas duas filhas tinham inveja dela e a odiavam.

Because Vasilissa was the greatest beauty in the whole village, the stepmother and her two daughters envied and hated her.

A Internet pode levar a totalidade do conhecimento humano a uma jovem que, numa aldeia remota, disponha apenas de um simples dispositivo manual.

The Internet can deliver the entirety of human knowledge to a young girl in a remote village on a single hand-held device.

A aldeia inteira partiu no dia seguinte em cerca de trinta canoas, deixando-nos sozinhos com a mulher a as crianças nas casas abandonadas.

The entire village left the next day in about thirty canoes, leaving us alone with the women and children in the abandoned houses.

Eneias / dali admira a obra imponente num local / onde há pouco de nômades apenas / uma aldeia existia; admira as portas / e a animação das ruas bem calçadas.

Amazed, AEneas viewed / tall structures rise, where whilom huts were found, / the streets, the gates, the bustle and the sound.

“Tu és tão bela, tão boa e tão honesta, que eu devo fazer-te um presente” (porque era uma fada que tomara a forma de uma pobre mulher de aldeia, para ver quão grande seria a gentileza daquela jovem menina).

"You are so beautiful, so good and so honest, that I should give you a present." (because she was a fairy who took the form of a poor village woman, to see how great that young girl's kindness would be).

Era uma vez uma pequena fada, muito amada pelas crianças. Ela gostava de brincar com os pássaros e os animais na floresta, e cantar canções ou tocar sua flauta; às vezes, ela visitava a aldeia, onde os seres humanos viviam, e corria e brincava com os meninos e meninas de sua preferência.

- There once was a little spirit that the children loved. Usually in the forest he would sing his songs and play the flute and mess about with the birds and other such beasts. At times he would come out to the village where the people lived and play with the children he liked.
- There once was a tiny sprite, much loved by children. She would frolic with the birds and the beasts in the forest, and sing songs, or play her flute; sometimes, she would visit the village, where the humans lived, and cavort with her favorite boys and girls.