Translation of "Zrobili" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Zrobili" in a sentence and their english translations:

Cośmy zrobili?

What have we done?

Zrobili to.

They have done it.

Co zrobili?

What did they do?

- Nie zrobili nic złego.
- Nie zrobili nic źle.

They haven't done anything wrong.

Zrobili się nerwowi.

- They become nervous.
- They get nervous.

Nic nie zrobili.

They did nothing.

Zrobili to, prawda?

They did it, didn't they?

No to co zrobili?

So what did they do?

Zrobili to kilka razy.

They did it a few times.

I tak to zrobili.

They did it anyway.

Oni naprawdę to zrobili.

They really did it.

Co chcą, byśmy zrobili?

What do they want us to do?

Oni zrobili to sami.

They made it themselves.

Nalegasz, byśmy tak właśnie zrobili.

You insist upon our taking that course of action.

Zrobili kilka kroków do przodu.

They stepped a few paces forward.

Zrobili to według mojego projektu.

I had it made after my own plan.

Potem naukowcy zrobili coś bardzo sprytnego.

But then they did something clever.

Co za piękny ogród oni zrobili!

What a beautiful garden they made!

Gdybyśmy to zrobili, groziłaby nam kara.

Were we to do such a thing, we should be punished.

Czy myśmy to w ogóle zrobili?

Did we actually do that?

Tom i Mary nie zrobili tego razem.

Tom and Mary didn't do that together.

Tom i Mary żałują tego co zrobili.

Tom and Mary regret doing what they did.

Tom i Maria oboje znowu to zrobili.

- Both Tom and Mary did that again.
- Tom and Mary both did that again.

Dobrym pomysłem byłoby byście zrobili to sami.

It would be a good idea to do that by yourselves.

Czy byłoby możliwe, żebyśmy zrobili to dzisiaj?

Would it be possible for us to do that today?

Tom i Mary zrobili pierniki w kształcie wiewiórek.

Tom and Mary made some gingerbread squirrels.

- Jak oni to zrobili?
- Jak mogą to zrobić?

But how can they do this?

Powiedz dokładnie, co chciałbyś, żebyśmy dla ciebie zrobili.

Tell us exactly what you'd like us to do for you.

Nie było jasne, czy to zrobili czy nie.

It was not clear whether they had done or not.

Tom i Mary zrobili przemeblowanie w pokoju dziennym.

Tom and Mary rearranged the furniture in their living room.

Dlaczego Tom i Mary nie zrobili tego dzisiaj?

Why didn't Tom and Mary do that today?

Na wieść o tym wypadku ludzie zrobili się niespokojni.

The news of the accident caused public alarm.

Wciąż się zastanawiam czemu Tom i Mary tego nie zrobili.

I still wonder why Tom and Mary haven't done that.

W wieku poniżej 7 lat zrobili to kiedyś, w jakiejś formie.

under the age of 7 have done it at some point, in some form.

Skąd wiesz, że Tom i Mary nie zrobili tego co mieli zrobić?

How do you know Tom and Mary didn't do what they were supposed to do?

Nie powiedziałeś Tomowi i Mary dlaczego chciałem, żeby to zrobili, no nie?

You didn't tell Tom and Mary why I wanted them to do that, did you?

- Uczniowie wykonali to sami.
- Uczennice same sobie ze wszystkim poradziły.
- Uczniowie sami wszystko zrobili.
- Uczniowie pracowali samodzielnie.

- The pupils did the work themselves.
- The students did the work themselves.