Translation of "Uczciwości" in English

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Examples of using "Uczciwości" in a sentence and their english translations:

Daleko mu do uczciwości.

He is not honest at all.

Jestem pewien jego uczciwości.

- I am assured of his honesty.
- I have confidence that he is honest.
- I am convinced of his honesty.

Ale choć zaczynamy od uczciwości,

But while we start off fair ...

Jestem przekonany o jego uczciwości.

- I am sure of his honesty.
- I am convinced of his honesty.

Jestem dumna z jego uczciwości.

I am proud of his honesty.

Nie ma wątpliwości do jego uczciwości.

His honesty does not have the room of doubt.

Jak możemy się upewnić co do jego uczciwości?

How can we be sure of his honesty?