Translation of "Zaczynamy" in English

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Examples of using "Zaczynamy" in a sentence and their english translations:


- Shall we begin?
- Shall we start?
- Let's get started, shall we?


We'll start.

Okej, zaczynamy.

Okay, here we go.

Kiedy zaczynamy?

When do we start?

Zaczynamy dziś pracę.

We're starting to work today.

Od czego zaczynamy?

Which shall I begin with?

Zaraz zaczynamy pracę.

We'll begin work soon.

Zaczynamy się naprawdę martwić.

We were getting really worried.

Teraz zaczynamy to rozumieć.

We're starting to get it now.

Ale choć zaczynamy od uczciwości,

But while we start off fair ...

Mocny rdzeń, mocne nogi. Zaczynamy.

Strong core, strong legs. Okay, here we go.

zaczynamy nagle cierpieć na amnezję

well, we seem to develop sudden-onset amnesia,

Po narodzinach zaraz zaczynamy umierać.

As soon as man is born he begins to die.

Jutro zaczynamy, jeśli pogoda pozwoli.

- We will start tomorrow, weather permitting.
- We'll leave tomorrow, weather permitting.

Kiedy przyjdzie Bob, zaczynamy zebranie.

We will begin the meeting when Bob comes.

O której godzinie zaczynamy pracę?

What time do we start work?

Jak tylko się rodzimy, zaczynamy umierać.

As soon as man is born, he begins to die.

Dopiero zaczynamy rozumieć ten żyjący fenomen świetlny.

This living light phenomenon is only beginning to be understood.

Nieważne jak mocno będzie padać, zaczynamy jutro.

However hard it may rain, we will start tomorrow.

Zdrowie zaczynamy cenić wtedy, kiedy je już stracimy.

- It is not until we lose our health that we realize the value of it.
- It isn't until we lose our health that we realize the value of it.
- It's not until we lose our health that we realize the value of it.

Kiedy zaczynamy dostawać trochę mniej tlenu, umysł zaczyna płatać figle.

Problem is, once you start to get a little less oxygen, your mind starts playing tricks on you.

Dopiero zaczynamy rozumieć, dlaczego tak się dzieje. Być może to przyciąga ofiary.

But we are only beginning to understand why. Perhaps it's to lure in prey.