Translation of "Tetszeni" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Tetszeni" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tetszeni fog.

You're going to like it.

Tetszeni fog nekik.

They'll like it.

Tetszeni fog neked.

- You'll like it.
- You'll like this.
- You're going to like it.

Tomnak tetszeni fog.

Tom will like that.

Talán tetszeni fog.

You might like it.

Remélem, tetszeni fog önnek.

- I hope you'll like it.
- I hope that you will like it.

Nem fog neki tetszeni.

He won't like that.

Ez tetszeni fog neked.

You'll like this.

Tomnak nem fog tetszeni.

- Tom won't like that.
- Tom isn't going to like that.

Szerintem tetszeni fog Tominak.

- I think Tom will like it.
- I think Tom will enjoy this.
- I think that Tom will enjoy this.

Ez tetszeni fog neki.

She's going to love this.

Tomnak tetszeni fog itt.

Tom will like being here.

Ez tetszeni fog magának.

You'll like this.

Ez nem fog neki tetszeni.

- He won't be pleased.
- She won't be pleased.
- She won't like this.

Tomnak ez nem fog tetszeni.

Tom isn't going to like this.

Tudtam, hogy tetszeni fog neked.

I knew you'd like that.

Azt hittem, tetszeni fog neked.

- I thought you would love it.
- I thought you'd love it.
- I thought that you'd love it.

Gondolom, hogy tetszeni fog neked.

I think you'll enjoy it.

Kezdett neki tetszeni az ötlet.

The idea grew on him.

Szerintem nem fog neked tetszeni.

- I don't think you'll like this.
- I don't think that you'll like this.

Tomnak tetszeni fog Bostonban lenni.

Tom will like being in Boston.

Ez biztosan tetszeni fog magának.

I'm sure you're going to like this.

Nem fog neked ez tetszeni.

- You're not going to like it.
- You're not going to like this.
- You won't like it.

Ez biztosan tetszeni fog neked.

- I think you're really going to like it.
- I'm sure you're going to like this.

Ez biztosan tetszeni fog nektek.

I'm sure you're going to like this.

Biztosan fog neked itt tetszeni.

You will definitely like it here.

Nem hiszem, hogy anyádnak tetszeni fog.

- I don't think your mother will like it.
- I don't think that your mother will like it.

Azt hittem, egyik tetszeni fog közülük.

I thought you might like one of these.

Mondtam, hogy tetszeni fog neked Tomi.

I told you you'd like Tom.

Tetszeni fog neki ez a játék.

She'll like this game.

Tudom, hogy nem fog nekem tetszeni.

- I know that I won't like it.
- I know I won't like it.

Nem fog tetszeni, amit mondani fogok.

You're not going to like what I'm going to say.

Tetszeni fog neked ez a játék.

You will like this game.

Azt hittem, hogy tetszeni fog nektek.

I thought you'd like it.

Gondolod, hogy tetszeni fog neki az ajándékom?

Do you think she will like my gift?

Próbálja csak meg. Talán tetszeni fog önnek.

Why don't you try it? Maybe you'll like it.

Biztosan tetszeni fog neked az új munkád.

I'm sure you'll like your new job.

Az új munkád bizonyosan tetszeni fog neked.

I'm sure you'll like your new job.

Ez a film biztosan tetszeni fog nektek.

I think you're going to like this movie.

- Remélem, tetszik az ajándék.
- Remélem, hogy tetszeni fog ez az ajándék.
- Remélem, tetszeni fog ez az ajándék.

I hope you like this gift.

Biztos vagyok benne, hogy ő tetszeni fog neked.

I'm sure you'll like him.

Biztos vagyok benne, hogy ez tetszeni fog neked.

I'm sure you'll like it.

Amit most mondani fogok, nem fog neked tetszeni.

You won't like what I'm going to say.

Remélem, hogy ez a dal tetszeni fog neked.

I hope that you will enjoy this song.

Remélem, hogy ez a dal tetszeni fog nektek.

I hope that you will enjoy this song.

Tomi izgult, hogy tetszeni fog-e neked az ajándéka.

Tom was worried that you wouldn't like his gift.

- Szerintem tetszeni fog neked.
- Úgy gondolom, hogy szeretni fogod.

- I think you'll like it.
- I think you're going to like it.

Szerinted tetszeni fog Tomnak az ajándék, amit vettem neki?

- Do you think Tom will like the gift I bought for him?
- Do you think Tom will like the gift I bought him?
- Do you think Tom will like the gift that I bought for him?

Ne dühíts fel! Nem fog tetszeni, ha dühös vagyok.

Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

Tudtam, hogy nem fog tetszeni neked, ahogy Tom ezt tette.

I knew you wouldn't like the way Tom did that.

Biztos vagyok benne, hogy tetszeni fog neked az új munkád.

I'm sure you'll like your new job.

Miért is érzem úgy, hogy ez nem fog nekem tetszeni?

- Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like this?
- Why do I get the feeling that I'm not going to like this?

Elmondhatom az őszinte véleményemet, de az nem fog neked tetszeni.

I can tell you my sincere opinion, but you won't like it.

- Szeretni fogod ezt a könyvet.
- Tetszeni fog neked ez a könyv.

You're going to love this book.

- Nem fog ez önnek tetszeni.
- Nem fogja elnyerni az önök tetszését.

- You're not going to like this.
- You won't like it.