Translation of "Szerintem" in English

0.028 sec.

Examples of using "Szerintem" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Szerintem jó lesz.
- Szerintem beválik.

- I think it works.
- I think that it works.

- Szerintem megoldjuk.
- Szerintem megbírkózunk vele.

- We could try.
- I think we can.

- Szerintem elég lesz.
- Szerintem elég.

- I think that'll be enough.
- I think that that'll be enough.

- Szerintem veszélyes.
- Szerintem ez veszélyes.

- I think it's dangerous.
- I think that's dangerous.

- Szerintem jó lesz.
- Szerintem rendben lesz.

- I think it will be okay.
- I think it'll be OK.
- I think it'll turn out fine.
- I think that it'll be OK.

- Szerintem ez sokkoló.
- Szerintem ez rettenetes.

I think that's appalling.

- Szerintem te érted.
- Szerintem te megérted.

I think you understand.

Szerintem nem.

I don't think it does.

Szerintem igaz.

- I think it's true.
- I think that it's true.

Szerintem tévedsz.

- I think you are mistaken.
- I think you're mistaken.

Szerintem hazudik.

- I think he's lying.
- I think she's lying.

Szerintem túlzol.

I think you're exaggerating.

Szerintem félreértetted.

I think you misunderstood.

Szerintem megbízható.

As far as I know, he is reliable.

Szerintem elmegy.

- I think it's OK.
- I think that it's OK.

Szerintem értem.

I think I understand it.

Szerintem megoldom.

I think I'll get over it.

Szerintem veszélyes.

I think it's dangerous.

Szerintem szükséges.

I think it's necessary.

Szerintem csodálatos.

- I think it's wonderful.
- I think that's wonderful.

Szerintem megtehetjük.

- I think we can do that.
- I think that we can do that.

Szerintem vége.

- I think it's over.
- I think that it's over.

Szerintem klassz.

I think it's cool.

Szerintem megtaláltuk.

I think we found it.

Szerintem megérdemeltük.

I think we deserved it.

Szerintem kiérdemlem.

I think I deserve that.

Szerintem korrekt.

I think it's fair.

Szerintem gyönyörű.

I think it's beautiful.

Szerintem működhet.

I think it might work.

Szerintem szereted.

I suppose you like it.

Szerintem elég.

I think that'll be enough.

Szerintem blöfföl.

I think he bluffs.

Szerintem kolbászdarab.

I think that's a small piece of sausage.

Szerintem lefeküdne.

I think he wants to go to sleep.

Szerintem megengedik.

I think you'll be permitted to do that.

Szerintem magányos.

I think he's lonely.

- Szerintem ez jó lesz.
- Szerintem ez megteszi.

I think that helps.

- Szerintem ez figyelmeztetés.
- Szerintem ez egy figyelmeztetés.

- I think it is a warning.
- I think it's a warning.

- Szerintem szándékosan csinálták.
- Szerintem szánt szándékkel tették.

I think they do it on purpose.

- Szerintem ez segít.
- Szerintem ez segíteni fog.

I think that helps.

- Szerintem el fog jönni.
- Szerintem jönni fog.

I think that she will come.

- Szerintem ő kórházban van.
- Szerintem kórházban van.

I believe that she is at the hospital.

- Szerintem ez nagy hiba.
- Szerintem ez öreg hiba.

I think this is a big mistake.

- Szerintem ilyenkor már alszanak.
- Ilyenkor szerintem alusznak már.

I think they already sleep at this time.

Szerintem egyáltalán nem.

I don't think it does.

A sétán szerintem

And on your walk - my point is this:

Szerintem kis koordinációval,

Now, I think with a bit of coordination,

Szerintem ez lehet:

Well, I think it may be this:

De szerintem elrontották.

But I think they blew it.

Szerintem kulturális harcot

I think that the cultural battle

Szerintem egész izgalmas.

I think it's kind of exciting.

- Szerintem is - helyeselt.

"I think so, too," she chimed in.

Szerintem nem jön.

- I don't think that she will come.
- I think she won't come.
- I think she will not come.
- I think that she won't come.
- I think that she will not come.

Szerintem ez helytelen.

- I think that's wrong.
- I think it's wrong.
- I think that it's wrong.

Szerintem nem jönnek.

I don't think they're coming.

Szerintem ő tette.

I think he did it.

Szerintem nem jó.

- I don't think that's right.
- I don't think that that's right.

Szerintem féltékeny vagy.

I think you're jealous.

Szerintem egy idióta.

- I consider him an idiot.
- I think that he's an idiot.

Szerintem késni fognak.

I think they'll be late.

Szerintem ő ártatlan.

I think she's innocent.

Szerintem igaza van.

In my opinion, he's right.

Szerintem jó táncosnő.

I think she is a good dancer.

Szerintem bármi lehetséges.

I suppose anything's possible.

Szerintem jól gondoltam.

- I think I got it right.
- I think that I got it right.

Szerintem indulok is.

- I think I'll be going.
- I think I'll be leaving.

Szerintem jól ment.

I think that went well.

Szerintem Tom megérdemli.

- I think Tom deserves that.
- I think that Tom deserves that.

Szerintem haldoklik Tom.

- I think Tom is dying.
- I think that Tom is dying.

Szerintem várnunk kellene.

I think we should wait.

Szerintem működni fog.

- I think this is going to work.
- I think this will work.
- I think that this will work.

Szerintem Tom óvatos.

- I think Tom is careful.
- I think that Tom is careful.

Szerintem Tom érzéketlen.

- I think Tom is callous.
- I think that Tom is callous.

Szerintem Tom rosszindulatú.

- I think Tom is mean.
- I think that Tom is mean.

Szerintem nem vicces.

- I don't think it's funny.
- I don't think that it's funny.

Szerintem ez történt.

That's what I think happened.

Szerintem ez igazságtalan.

I think it's unfair.

Szerintem ez nagyszerű.

- I think that's great!
- I think that's great.

Szerintem ez helyes.

I think that's correct.

Szerintem őrült vagy.

- I think you are crazy.
- I think you're crazy.

Szerintem mindenki tudja.

I think that's common knowledge.

Szerintem sovány Tom.

I think Tom is skinny.

Szerintem becsületes Tom.

I think Tom is honest.

Szerintem Tom félrelép.

I think Tom's cheating.

Szerintem nem igaz.

I don't think it's true.

Szerintem szándékos volt.

I think it was intentional.

Szerintem szándékosan tették.

I think they did that on purpose.

Szerintem ismered Tomot.

- I believe you know Tom.
- I think you know Tom.

Szerintem egyre jobb.

- I think it's getting better.
- I think that it's getting better.

Szerintem ismered őket.

You know them, I think.

Szerintem ismered őt.

You know him, I think.