Translation of "Obwohl" in English

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Examples of using "Obwohl" in a sentence and their english translations:

Obwohl jetzt sehr wenig

Even though very little now

Obwohl es Paradoxe gibt

Although there are paradoxes

Werbeangebote, obwohl sie gerade

promotional offers, even though they just

obwohl meine Sicht einwandfrei ist.

even though my vision is perfect.

obwohl ein Nein besser wäre.

although a no would be better.

Tom kam, obwohl es regnete.

Tom came even though it was raining.

obwohl die Mengen abnehmen werden,

although the amounts gonna decrease,

Obwohl die Gesamtrisikozunahme relativ klein ist,

and although the overall risk increases are relatively small,

Und obwohl sich diese vermeintlichen Idioten

And although these supposed morons

Obwohl es keine vollständigen Beweise gibt

Although there is no complete evidence

Obwohl niemand lebt, befehle diese Gruppen

Although no one lives, command these groups

Obwohl er müde war, arbeitete er.

- He was tired but worked.
- Even though he was tired, he worked.

Obwohl krank, ging er zur Schule.

Sick as he was, he went to school.

Ich ging aus, obwohl es regnete.

I went out even though it was raining.

Ich kann nicht, obwohl ich will.

- I can't even if I want to.
- I cannot even though I want to.

Er ging hinaus, obwohl es regnete.

He went out even though it was raining.

obwohl es einer der beliebtesten ist

although it's one of the most popular

obwohl es ein bisschen Zeit braucht.

even though it takes me a bit of time.

obwohl du meinen gesamten Unterkörper einnehmen willst

even though you want to take over my whole bottom half,

Obwohl ich für meine erste Zwischenprüfung büffelte --

Even though I studied for my first midterm exam --

Hopse. Obwohl sein Name so lächerlich ist

hopscotch. Although his name is so ridiculous

obwohl wir es in zwei Arten teilen

even though we divide it into two species

Obwohl es wie eine islamische Tradition aussieht

Although it looks like an Islamic tradition

Heute, obwohl es gegen den Islam ist,

Today, however, despite being contrary to Islam

obwohl er sich nicht aktiv dagegen aussprach.

though he did not actively oppose it.

Obwohl der jetzt für alle freigegeben ist.

Although it's now open to everyone.

Obwohl sie müde war, arbeitete sie weiter.

Though she was tired, she kept on working.

Sie arbeitete weiter, obwohl sie erschöpft war.

- Although tired, she kept on working.
- She kept working even though she was tired.
- She was tired, but she kept working.

Sie ist zufrieden, obwohl sie arm ist.

Although she is poor, she is satisfied.

Obwohl sie arm ist, war sie glücklich.

She is poor, but happy.

Obwohl er arm war, war er glücklich.

Though he was poor, he was happy.

Obwohl Natto furchtbar riecht, ist es köstlich.

Although natto smells awful, it is delicious.

Obwohl die Sonne schien, war es kalt.

Although the sun was out, it was cold.

Obwohl er müde war, hat er weitergearbeitet.

Even though he was tired, he went on with his work.

Obwohl ich erschöpft war, arbeitete ich weiter.

Although I was exhausted, I continued to work.

Obwohl ich danach suchte, fand ich’s nicht.

Even though I looked for it, I did not find it.

Obwohl ich dünn bin, habe ich Zellulitis.

And even though I'm really thin, I have cellulite.

Obwohl sie Fehler hat, mag ich sie.

- I love her all the more for her faults.
- She has her faults, but I like her.

Er war glücklich, obwohl er arm war.

He was happy, poor as he was.

Ich half Tom, obwohl ich beschäftigt war.

I helped Tom even though I was busy.

Obwohl es regnete, hatten alle ihren Spaß.

Although it rained, everyone had a good time.

Obwohl er arm ist, ist er glücklich.

Although he is poor, he is happy.

Obwohl stark erkältet, ging Liisa zur Arbeit.

Although she had a bad cold, Liisa went to work.

Obwohl er müde war, arbeitete er weiter.

Though he was tired, he kept on working.

Obwohl Maria krank ist, geht sie arbeiten.

Although Mary is sick, she will work.

Und obwohl das stimmt in bestimmten Gemeinschaften

And although that's true in certain communities

obwohl du 10 mal weniger Umsatz hast.

even though you got 10 times less sales.

Obwohl es da ist Überschneidungen im Publikum,

Even though there's overlapping in audiences,

obwohl wir weniger haben Anhänger auf LinkedIn,

even though we have less followers on LinkedIn,

- Tom wurde Tänzer, obwohl seine Eltern dagegen waren.
- Tom wurde Tänzer, obwohl seine Eltern das nicht wollten.

Tom became a dancer even though his parents didn't want him to.

Obwohl wir Esther erst ein paar Wochen kannten,

And even though we had only known Esther for a few weeks,

Obwohl sie Säugetiere sind, überwintern sie zum Beispiel.

Although they are mammals, they hibernate, for example.

Obwohl ich über diese Paarung sehr aufgeregt war,

So while I was very excited that this mating was beginning,

Und das, obwohl ihr Laden so winzig ist,

And this despite the fact that their shop is so tiny

Obwohl sie viele Schwächen hat, vertraue ich ihr.

- She has many faults, but I trust her none the less.
- Although she has many weaknesses, I trust her.

Paul wurde nicht hochnäsig, obwohl er reich war.

Paul didn't become arrogant even though he was rich.

Obwohl es sehr spät war, arbeitete er weiter.

Though it was very late, he went on working.

Obwohl der Wecker klingelte, bin ich nicht aufgewacht.

- Although the alarm rang I failed to wake up.
- Even though the alarm clock went off, I didn't wake up.

Obwohl sie eine Frau war, kämpfte sie tapfer.

Woman as she was, she fought bravely.

Obwohl er reich ist, ist er nicht glücklich.

Although he is rich, he is not happy.

Obwohl es regnete, musste ich außer Haus gehen.

Although it was raining, I had to go out.

Obwohl er erschöpft war, musste er weiter arbeiten.

Although he was exhausted, he had to keep working.

Obwohl sie ein Mädchen ist, ist sie mutig.

She's a girl, but she's brave.

Obwohl ich müde war, gab ich mein Bestes.

Though I was tired, I did my best.

Tom will zur Schule, obwohl er krank ist.

- Although Tom is sick, he's planning on going to school.
- Even though Tom is sick, he's planning on going to school.

Tom und Maria gingen spazieren, obwohl es regnete.

Tom and Mary went for a walk even though it was raining.

Obwohl sie Brüder waren, sprachen sie nicht miteinander.

Although they were brothers, they were not on speaking terms.