Translation of "Hauptbahnhof" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Hauptbahnhof" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Ich bin am Tōkyōter Hauptbahnhof umgestiegen.
- Ich bin am Hauptbahnhof Tōkyō umgestiegen.
- Ich bin in Tōkyō am Hauptbahnhof umgestiegen.

I changed trains at Tokyo Station.

Der nächste Halt ist "Berlin Hauptbahnhof".

The next stop is "Berlin Central Station".

Wir kommen am Mittag am Tōkyōter Hauptbahnhof an.

We will get to Tokyo Station at noon.

Wie kommt man am angenehmsten zum Tōkyōter Hauptbahnhof?

What's the most convenient way to get to Tokyo Station?

Ihr Zug kommt um 17.50 Uhr am Hauptbahnhof an.

- Her train arrives at the main station at 5.50 p.m.
- Her train arrives at the main station at ten to six.

Sein Zug kommt um 17.50 Uhr am Hauptbahnhof an.

- His train arrives at the main station at 5.50 p.m.
- His train arrives at the main station at ten to six.

Ihr Zug kommt um zehn vor sechs am Hauptbahnhof an.

- Her train arrives at the main station at 5.50 p.m.
- Her train arrives at the main station at ten to six.

Sein Zug kommt um zehn vor sechs am Hauptbahnhof an.

- His train arrives at the main station at 5.50 p.m.
- His train arrives at the main station at ten to six.