Translation of "S'amuse" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "S'amuse" in a sentence and their english translations:

Elle s'amuse.

She's enjoying herself.

Il s'amuse.

He's enjoying himself.

On s'amuse bien.

We're having a good time.

On s'amuse, avec elle.

She is amusing to be with.

J'espère que Tom s'amuse.

I hope Tom has fun.

- Tout le monde s'amuse-t-il ?
- Est-ce que tout le monde s'amuse ?

- Is everybody having a good time?
- Is everyone having fun?

Le temps passe vite lorsqu'on s'amuse.

Time goes by quickly when you're having fun.

On dirait que Tom s'amuse vraiment.

- It looks like Tom is having fun.
- It looks like Tom is really enjoying himself.

On s'amuse vraiment à lire ces commentaires

We really have fun reading these comments

Nous avons apprécié qu'elle ne s'amuse pas.

We enjoyed it that she wasn't having fun.

Il s'amuse en jouant aux jeux vidéos.

He is amusing himself by playing video games.

Mon copain s'amuse parfois avec d'autres filles.

My boyfriend sometimes flirts with other girls.

Je me demande si Tom s'amuse bien.

- I wonder if Tom is having fun.
- I wonder whether Tom is having fun.

On dirait que tout le monde s'amuse bien.

- It seems that everyone's having fun.
- It seems that everybody's having fun.

On s'amuse aussi en faisant ça, on veut s'amuser en regardant

We also have fun while doing this, we want to have fun while watching

- Tout le monde prends du bon temps.
- Tout le monde s'amuse.

- Everybody's having a good time.
- Everybody is having a good time.