Translation of "Leva" in English

0.050 sec.

Examples of using "Leva" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Il leva la main.
- Il leva le bras.

He raised his arm.

Elle se leva.

She stood up.

Tom se leva.

- Tom stood up.
- Tom got up.

Elle leva la tête.

She held up her head.

Il leva les mains.

- He held up his hands.
- He raised his hands.

Il se leva lentement.

He stood up slowly.

Le rideau se leva.

The curtain rose.

Il leva le bras.

He raised his arm.

Elle leva les mains.

She raised her hands.

Il leva la main.

He raised his hand.

Jack se leva tôt.

Jack got up early.

Elle leva le rideau.

She drew up the curtain.

Linda se leva pour chanter.

Linda stood up to sing.

Un vent fort se leva.

A strong wind arose.

Il leva une arme contre moi.

He raised a weapon against me.

- Elle se leva.
- Elle s'est levée.

She stood up.

Il se leva et lui sourit.

He stood up and smiled at her.

- L'homme se dressa.
- L'homme se leva.

The man stood up.

Le chien de Tom se leva.

Tom's dog stood up.

Thomas se leva de sa chaise.

Tom got up from his chair.

Elle leva la tête avec impertinence.

She turned her nose up.

- Sami se leva.
- Sami s'est levé.

Sami stood up.

- Elle est debout.
- Elle se leva.

She stood.

Tom se leva pour aider Mary.

Tom got up to help Mary.

Le soleil se leva sur la mer.

The sun rose from the sea.

Il leva les yeux vers le ciel.

He looked up at the sky.

Elle se leva pour répondre au téléphone.

She got up to answer the phone.

Tom repoussa sa chaise et se leva.

Tom pushed back his chair and got up.

Il se leva lentement de sa chaise.

He rose slowly from his chair.

Sur ce, il se leva et sortit.

At this, he got up and went out.

- Cet élève leva la main pour poser une question.
- Cet étudiant leva la main pour poser une question.

That student raised his hand to ask a question.

Macbeth leva une armée pour attaquer son ennemi.

Macbeth raised an army to attack his enemy.

L'élève leva la main pour poser une question.

The pupil held up his hand to ask a question.

Il leva les yeux vers le ciel nocturne.

He looked up at the night sky.

Il se leva soudainement, et quitta la pièce.

He got up suddenly and walked out of the room.

Il leva son chapeau quand il me vit.

- He raised his hat when he saw me.
- When he saw me, he raised his hat and greeted me.

Il leva la main pour arrêter un taxi.

He raised his hand to stop a taxi.

Il leva la main pour poser une question.

He raised his hand to ask a question.

- Elle s'est levée tard.
- Elle se leva tard.

She got up late.

Il leva son chapeau en signe de respect.

He raised his hat as a token of respect.

Sami leva les yeux au ciel et pria.

Sami looked up at the sky and prayed.

Il se leva avant le chant du coq.

He got up before the rooster crowing.

La fille leva la lourde caisse d'une seule main.

The girl lifted the heavy box with one hand.

Elle leva la main pour que le bus s'arrête.

She raised her hand for the bus to stop.

Cet élève leva la main pour poser une question.

The pupil held up his hand to ask a question.

- L'étudiant leva la main.
- L'étudiant a levé la main.

The student raised his hand.

- L'étudiante leva la main.
- L'étudiante a levé la main.

The student raised her hand.

Cet étudiant leva la main pour poser une question.

That student raised his hand to ask a question.

- Elle leva les mains.
- Elle a levé les mains.

- She raised her hands.
- She lifted her arms.

La pauvre jeune fille leva les yeux au ciel.

The poor girl looked up at the sky.

- Tom se levait.
- Tom s'est levé.
- Tom se leva.

- Tom got out of bed.
- Tom stood.
- Tom stood up.
- Tom got up.
- Tom rose from his seat.

- Tom a levé les yeux.
- Tom leva les yeux.

Tom looked up.

Comme elle entra dans la pièce, il se leva.

When she entered the room, he stood up.

Pépé se leva très tôt et alla tranquillement jusqu'au village.

Pepe got up very early, and he peacefully walked to the village.

La totalité de l'audience se leva et commença à applaudir.

The whole audience got up and started to applaud.

Bill se leva tôt pour pouvoir prendre le premier train.

Bill got up early in order to catch the first train.

Elle leva le poing, comme si elle voulait me frapper.

She raised her fist as if to hit me.