Translation of "Instincts" in English

0.063 sec.

Examples of using "Instincts" in a sentence and their english translations:

Les animaux agissent selon leurs instincts.

Animals act according to their instincts.

Les instincts de base ne disparaissent pas.

Fundamental instincts will not go away.

C'est l'un des instincts humains de base.

It's one of the basic human instincts.

Nos instincts nous guident et nous protègent, parait-il.

It seems our instincts guide and protect us.

On pense que je dois « encourager » et avoir des instincts maternels.

they think I'm supposed to be "nurturing" and have nesting instincts.

Je me demande si je devrais faire confiance à mes instincts.

I wonder if I should trust my instincts.

Berthier n'avait ni le glamour de Murat, ni l'héroïsme de Ney, ni les instincts tactiques de Davout.

Berthier had none of Murat’s glamour, nor Ney’s  heroism, nor the tactical instincts of Davout.