Translation of "Importuner" in English

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Importuner" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Pardonnez-moi de vous déranger.
- Excusez-moi de vous importuner.

I'm sorry to trouble you.

" La Sicile verra de tes nefs vagabondes / la rame opiniâtre importuner ses ondes. / Du redoutable Averne il faut domter les flots, / de la mer d'Ausonie il faut fendre les eaux, / de l'île de Circé braver l'onde infidèle, / avant de reposer dans ta cité nouvelle. "

"First must Trinacrian waters bend the oar, / Ausonian waves thy vessels must explore, / first must thou view the nether world, where flows / dark Styx, and visit that AEaean shore, / the home of Circe, ere, at rest from woes, / thou build the promised walls, and win the wished repose."

Nous aurions aimé que chacun s'occupe de ses oignons, de sa religion, de ses intimes convictions, sans importuner son prochain, qui n'en veut peut-être pas. Que celui qui veut pratiquer le fasse sobrement. Mais si quelqu'un t'empêche de mâchonner ton propre chewing-gum, laisse-le alors cuire son couscous, seul.

We might have wished all people to take care of their onions, their religion, their intimate convictions, without bothering their neighbor, who may not want it. Let those who want to practice do so soberly. But if someone prevents you from chewing your own gum, then let him steam his couscous alone.