Translation of "Comprenait" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Comprenait" in a sentence and their english translations:

Personne ne comprenait.

No one could tell me.

Tom me comprenait.

Tom understood me.

Tom comprenait ça.

Tom understood that.

- Marie m'a dit qu'elle comprenait.
- Marie me dit qu'elle comprenait.

Mary told me she understood.

Personne ne me comprenait.

Nobody understood me.

Pierre n'y comprenait rien.

Pierre didn't understand any of it.

Qui comprenait ce qu'il m'arrivait,

who understood what I was going through,

Elle ne comprenait pas toutes ces discussions.

She didn't understand all the fuss.

- Tom ne savait pas que Mary comprenait le français.
- Tom ne savait pas que Marie comprenait le français.

- Tom didn't know that Mary understood French.
- Tom didn't know Mary understood French.

Tom ne comprenait pas ce que Marie disait.

Tom didn't understand a word Mary said.

Il ne comprenait pas du tout la blague.

He didn't understand the joke at all.

- Tom m'a mal compris.
- Tom me comprenait mal.

Tom misunderstood me.

Il comprenait en fait de gros messages pour nous

it actually included big messages to us

Tom ne savait pas que Mary comprenait le français.

- Tom didn't know that Mary understood French.
- Tom didn't know that Mary used to understand French.

- Tom a mal compris Marie.
- Tom comprenait mal Marie.

Tom misunderstood Mary.

Tom ne comprenait pas comment exporter des fichiers JPEG.

Tom couldn't figure out how to export JPEG files.

Tom ne comprenait pas ce que Marie voulait dire.

Tom couldn't understand what Mary was trying to say.

Et Ernesto, qui était riche et comprenait les affaires, dit :

Ernesto, who was rich and knew about business, said,

Bien qu'il ne comprenait absolument pas ce que je faisais.

even though they absolutely didn't understand what I was doing.

De toute évidence, il ne comprenait pas ce que j'avais dit.

It was apparent that he did not understand what I had said.

Tom savait que Mary comprenait ce qu'ils avaient besoin de faire.

Tom knew Mary understood what they needed to do.

Aucun d'entre eux ne comprenait ce à quoi elle faisait allusion.

None of them could understand what she was implying.

Elle a commencé à avoir peur et il ne comprenait pas pourquoi.

She became afraid, and he seemed confused as to why.

Et j'ai fixé ma fille du regard pour voir si elle comprenait l'histoire.

and I looked at my daughter to see if she was following it.

Il comprenait 2000 chevaliers portugais, environ 8000 mercenaires, pour la plupart allemands, castillans,

It included 2000 Portuguese knights, around 8000 mercenaries, mostly Germans, Castilians,

Peut-être qu'Hannibal ne comprenait toujours pas complètement cela en 217 avant JC.

Perhaps Hannibal still didn't fully understand this in 217BC.

Tom ne comprenait pas la réticence de Mary à sortir avec son frère.

Tom doesn't understand Mary's reluctance to go out with his brother.

L'oncle de Tom ne comprenait que le quart du dixième de tous ces mystères.

Tom's uncle can only comprehend a quarter of a tenth of all these mysteries.

Il comprenait et retenait aisément tout ce qu'on lui enseignait ; ses maîtres en étaient très contents.

He understood and remembered easily everything that was taught to him; his teachers were very happy about it.

Le butin de cette guerre comprenait la Dalmatie, que Marmont a été envoyé pour gouverner en 1806.

The spoils of that war included Dalmatia,  which Marmont was sent to govern in 1806.  

Il avait entendu parler des piggies, il avait bien compris la phrase, il ne comprenait tout simplement pas

He’d heard about the piggies, he’d got the phrase right, he just didn’t understand

Il a relu encore et encore la lettre qu'elle avait envoyée, mais il ne comprenait toujours pas ce qu'elle voulait dire.

Over and over again, he read the letter she had mailed him, but he still did not understand it.

Par cette phrase, l'auteur signifiait à Tom et Mary que leur destin lui échappait, puisqu'il ne comprenait pas le sens profond de ses propres phrases.

Through this sentence, the author was making it known to Tom and Mary that their destiny was escaping him, as he didn't understand the deep meaning of his own sentences.