Translation of "à sa" in English

0.366 sec.

Examples of using "à sa" in a sentence and their english translations:

On pense à sa mortalité et à sa vulnérabilité.

You start thinking about your own death and your own vulnerability,

- Elle ressemble à sa mère.
- Il ressemble à sa mère.

- She takes after her mother.
- She looks like her mother.
- He looks like his mother.

- Tom ressemble à sa mère.
- Tom ressemble à sa maman.

Tom looks like his mother.

- Elle l'a invité à sa fête.
- Elle l'invita à sa fête.

She invited him to her party.

- L'as-tu dit à sa mère ?
- L'avez-vous dit à sa mère ?

- Have you told her mother?
- Have you told his mother?

- Le conte tirait à sa fin.
- Le récit tirait à sa fin.

The story drew to a conclusion.

Mettez-vous à sa place.

Put yourself in his place.

Mets-toi à sa place.

Imagine yourself to be in his place.

Mary ressemble à sa mère.

Mary looks like her mother.

Elle ressemble à sa tante.

She resembles her aunt.

J'ai accès à sa bibliothèque.

I have access to his library.

Elle ressemble à sa mère.

- She takes after her mother.
- She looks like her mother.

J'ai ri à sa blague.

I laughed at his joke.

Je compatis à sa douleur.

I feel her pain.

Tom ressemble à sa mère.

Tom looks like his mother.

Chacun fait à sa guise.

Each one does as he likes.

Il ressemble à sa mère.

- He resembles his mother.
- He looks like his mother.

Remets-le à sa place.

Put it back.

Tom mentait à sa femme.

Tom lied to his wife.

Tom lit à sa fille.

Tom reads to his daughter.

L'été arrive à sa fin.

Summer is coming to an end.

Tom écrira à sa sœur.

Tom will write to his sister.

Elle l'invita à sa fête.

She invited him to her party.

À sa mort, Harry a laissé 200 millions de yens à sa famille.

Harry left his family 200 million yen when he died.

- Cet enfant s'accrochait à sa mère.
- Cet enfant se cramponnait à sa mère.

That child was clinging to his mother.

- Il s'adapta à sa nouvelle vie.
- Il s'est adapté à sa nouvelle vie.

He adapted himself to his new life.

- Tom a présenté Marie à sa mère.
- Tom présenta Marie à sa mère.

Tom introduced Mary to his mother.

- Tom a présenté Marie à sa famille.
- Tom présenta Marie à sa famille.

Tom introduced Mary to his family.

- Ils firent tous objection à sa proposition.
- Elles firent toutes objection à sa proposition.
- Ils ont tous fait objection à sa proposition.
- Elles ont toutes fait objection à sa proposition.

They all objected to his proposal.

- Il régla le télescope à sa vue.
- Il ajusta le télescope à sa vue.

He adjusted the telescope to his sight.

- Elle m'a invité à sa fête d'anniversaire.
- Il m'a invité à sa fête d'anniversaire.

She invited me to her birthday party.

- N'oublie pas de répondre à sa lettre !
- N'oubliez pas de répondre à sa lettre.

Don't forget to answer his letter.

- Ils firent tous objection à sa proposition.
- Elles firent toutes objection à sa proposition.

They all objected to his proposal.

Ce qui mena à sa décapitation.

and, subsequently, they chopped Mary's head off.

Il était fidèle à sa parole.

He was true to his word.

La journée tire à sa fin.

The day draws to a close.

Il doit repenser à sa naissance.

He has to think again about when he was born.

Vous fiez-vous à sa parole ?

Do you believe him?

Rien n'est comparable à sa beauté.

Nothing is to be compared to its beauty.

La nièce ressemble à sa tante.

The niece looks like her aunt.

Le garçon s'accroche à sa mère.

The boy is clinging to his mother.

Ce bébé ressemble à sa mère.

The baby takes after his mother.

Cette fille ressemble à sa mère.

The girl resembles her mother.

La fille ressemblait à sa mère.

The girl resembled her mother.

L'échec est dû à sa paresse.

The failure is due to his idleness.

Un père pourvoit à sa famille.

A father provides for his family.

Il a survécu à sa femme.

He survived his wife.

Je dois répondre à sa lettre.

I have to answer his letter.

Son échec conduisit à sa démission.

His failure led to his resignation.

Je l'ai fait à sa demande.

I did so at his request.

Je peux répondre à sa question.

I can respond to his question.

L'ordinateur se trouve à sa gauche.

The computer is to her left.

J'ai ma voiture à sa disposition.

I put my car at his disposal.

Il s'adapta à sa nouvelle vie.

He adapted himself to his new life.

La rencontre touche à sa fin.

The meeting has almost ended.

Il veut vivre à sa façon.

He wishes to live his own way.

Il n'est pas à sa place.

He's out of position.

Elle n'est pas à sa place.

She's out of position.

Chaque enfant pense à sa façon.

Each child has an individual way of thinking.

Tom a mangé à sa faim.

Tom ate his fill.

Il agit toujours à sa guise.

He always does as he pleases.

Elle m'a présenté à sa sœur.

She introduced me to her sister.

Tom est revenu à sa place.

Tom went back to his seat.