Translation of "Strategia" in English

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Examples of using "Strategia" in a sentence and their english translations:

Hiljaisuus - on turvallisin strategia.

Silence... is the safest strategy.

Toivo ei ole strategia.

- Hope is not a strategy.
- Hope isn't a strategy.

Yksi strategia oli lisätä asiayhteys symboliin.

One strategy was to add context to the symbol.

- Strategia toimi täydellisesti.
- Taktiikka toimi täydellisesti.

The strategy worked perfectly.

Valitsit systemaattisen tavan. Se on tieteellinen strategia,

So, you wanna do some Systematic tracking? This is exciting because it's scientific.

Niillä on rankka kohtalo. Niiden strategia on elää kovaa ja kuolla nuorena.

So it's a pretty tough road they have to walk. But that's their strategy, live fast and die young.