Translation of "Rainforest" in Spanish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Rainforest" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Save the rainforest!

¡Salvad la selva tropical!

We researched the Amazon rainforest.

Investigamos la selva tropical del Amazonas.

We must protect the rainforest.

Debemos proteger la selva tropical.

The Amazon rainforest is burning at record rates.

La selva amazónica está ardiendo a tasas récord.

Killing food crops and the whole rainforest that surrounds these fields,

mata cultivos de alimentos y toda la selva que rodea estos campos,

The Amazon Rainforest is a vast area in the north of South America, whose main river is the Amazon River

La Amazonía es una vasta área en el norte de América del Sur, cuyo río principal es el Amazonas.