Translation of "Insult" in Spanish

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Insult" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Don't insult him.

No le insultes.

It's an insult.

Es un insulto.

- It's an insult.
- It's an outrage.
- That's an insult.

Es un insulto.

He suffered an insult.

Él sufrió un insulto.

Don't insult my intelligence.

No insultes mi inteligencia.

Do not insult him.

No lo insultes.

Was that an insult?

¿Eso fue un insulto?

That's not an insult.

- Eso no es un insulto.
- Eso no es insulto.
- No es un insulto.
- No es insulto.

- Don't call him names.
- Do not insult him.
- Don't insult her.

No lo insultes.

That is a studied insult.

Este es un insulto premeditado.

He was subjected to insult.

Él fue insultado.

His joke borders on insult.

Su broma bordea el insulto.

Don't insult me in company.

No me insultes delante de otros.

Please don't insult my intelligence.

Por favor no insultes mi inteligencia.

Please don't insult our intelligence.

- Por favor no insulte a nuestra inteligencia.
- Por favor, no insulte nuestra inteligencia.

- How dare you insult the prophetess Mary!
- How dare you insult the prophet Mary!

¿Cómo te atreves a insultar a la profeta María?

Your remark amounts almost to insult.

Tu observación se asemeja casi a un insulto.

It is an insult to her.

- Ese es un insulto para ella.
- Es un insulto hacia ella.

I don't want to insult Tom.

No quiero insultar a Tom.

I don't want to insult you.

No quiero insultarte.

I cannot bear such an insult.

Yo no puedo tolerar un insulto tal.

- Don't insult me.
- Don't offend me.

No me ofendas.

I don't want to insult him.

No quiero insultarlo.

I don't want to insult her.

No quiero insultarla.

I didn't want to insult him.

No quise insultarlo.

I didn't want to insult her.

No quise insultarla.

Every insult was put on him.

Todo insulto fue dirigido a él.

Sami will pay for this insult.

Sami pagará por este insulto.

Neither "straight" nor "gay" is an insult.

Ni “hetero” ni “gay” es insulto.

The phrase is meant to insult people.

Esa frase está para insultar a las personas.

"Verbal power" shouldn't be confused with "insult".

No hay que confundir "poder de la palabra" con "ofensa verbal".

How dare you insult the prophetess Mary!

¿Cómo te atreves a insultar a la profeta María?

In Ecuador, being a teacher is an insult.

ser maestro, es casi un insulto en Ecuador ser maestro.

You insult women like pigs, animals and dogs

insultas a mujeres como cerdos, animales y perros

I'll get even with you for this insult!

¡Definitivamente pagarás este insulto!

Walter was taken aback by John's cruel insult.

Walter se quedó perplejo a causa del insulto cruel de John.

Which began in the 16th century as an insult.

que comenzó en el siglo XVI como un insulto.

This is not an insult but the disease itself

esto no es un insulto sino la enfermedad misma

It is nothing less than an insult to her.

No es nada menos que un insulto para ella.

Don't you know he is enraged at your insult?

¿No sabes que él está enfadado tras recibir tu insulto?

Every insult from Joel is just a hidden compliment.

Todo insulto de Joel es en realidad un cumplido disfrazado.

I can't put up with an insult like this.

Yo no puedo tolerar un insulto así.

Tom and Mary insult each other all the time.

Tom y María se insultan el uno al otro todo el tiempo.

I want to get even with him for the insult.

Yo quiero hacerle pagar el insulto.

She seems to have taken my remark as an insult.

Parece que se ha tomado mi comentario como un insulto.

I'm not sure if it's a compliment or an insult.

No estoy segura si es un halago o un insulto.

There is no greater insult to life than premature ejaculation.

No hay mayor insulto a la vida que la eyaculación prematura.

Are you going to let him insult your mother like that?

¿Vas a dejar que él insulte de esa manera a tu madre?

- I didn't want to insult Tom.
- I didn't mean to offend Tom.

No quise insultar a Tom.

- I do not know whether to take it as a compliment or an insult.
- I don't know whether to take it as a compliment or an insult.

No sé si tomarlo como un cumplido o un insulto.

What he said to Beth was nothing less than an insult to her.

Lo que él le dijo a Beth no fue nada menos que un insulto para ella.

Such was his pride that he could not bring himself to ignore the insult.

Tal era su orgullo que él no pudo ponerse a ignorar el insulto.

I don't know how to take this. As a compliment or as an insult.

No sé si tomarlo como un cumplido o un insulto.

Let's have a contest. The side to come up with the worst insult wins.

Hagamos un concurso. Aquel bando al que se le ocurra el peor insulto, gana.

But he also never forgot a grudge, was notoriously  short-fused and quick to perceive an insult.

Pero tampoco olvidó nunca un rencor, fue notoriamente corto y rápido para percibir un insulto.

They do not accuse me, they insult; they do not fight me, they calumniate, and they don't allow me the right of defense.

No me acusan, me insultan; no me combaten, me calumnian, y no me dan el derecho de defensa.

- Tom didn't mean to offend anyone.
- Tom didn't mean any offense.
- Tom didn't mean to insult anybody.
- Tom didn't want to offend anyone.
- Tom didn't want to offend anybody.

Tom no quiso ofender a nadie.

- Tom didn't mean to offend anyone.
- Tom didn't plan on hurting anyone.
- Tom didn't mean to insult anybody.
- Tom didn't want to offend anyone.
- Tom didn't want to offend anybody.

Tom no quiso ofender a nadie.

You'll be able to go about your lives knowing that the president is not going to suggest injecting bleach, or retweet conspiracy theories about secret cabals running the world, or retweeting the claim that Navy SEALS didn't actually kill bin Laden. We're not gonna have a president that goes out of his way to insult anybody who he doesn't think is nice enough to him. We won't have a president who threatens people with jail just for criticizing him. That's not normal behavior, Florida.

Podrán continuar con sus vidas sabiendo que el presidente no va a sugerir inyectar blanqueador, o retuitear teorías conspirativas sobre cábalas secretas que gobiernan el mundo, o retuitear la afirmación de que los Navy SEALS en realidad no mataron a bin Laden. No vamos a tener un presidente que se esfuerce por insultar a alguien que no cree que sea lo suficientemente amable con él. No tendremos un presidente que amenace a la gente con la cárcel solo por criticarlo. Eso no es una conducta normal, Florida.