Translation of "Inherit" in Spanish

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Inherit" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

The entire colony will inherit the mutant DNA.

Toda la colonia heredará el DNA mutante.

And that's partly defined by the genes they inherit

y eso está parcialmente definido por los genes que heredan

The prince, or the princess, will inherit the throne.

El príncipe, o la princesa, hereda la corona.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Benditos sean los mansos de corazón pues ellos heredarán la tierra.

Tom hopes to inherit a lot of money when his mother dies.

Tom espera heredar mucho dinero cuando su madre muera.

And when they inherit a lot of money, the government taxes them.

Y cuando heredan un montón de dinero, el gobierno los grava.

Tom hopes to inherit a lot of money when his mother passes away.

Tom espera heredar mucho dinero cuando su madre fallezca.

His relatives took it for granted that they would inherit the bulk of his wealth.

Sus parientes estaban seguros de que ellos heredarían la mayoría de su riqueza.

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.

No heredamos la tierra de nuestros antepasados, la tomamos prestada de nuestros hijos.

Tom agreed to marry that man's daughter with the promise that he'd inherit the man's business.

Tomás aceptó casarse con la hija de aquel hombre con la promesa de que heredaría el negocio del hombre.

A son who could not learn to paddle his own canoe does not deserve to inherit his father's fortune.

Un hijo que no aprenda a remar su propia canoa, no merece heredar la fortuna de su padre.

In the case of language, however, it is only the ability to talk and understand that we inherit genetically; the particular language or languages that we speak are passed on to us not by genetic transmission but by cultural transmission.

En el caso del lenguaje, sin embargo, es sólo la capacidad de hablar y comprender lo que heredamos genéticamente, el idioma o idiomas que hablamos en particular nos son transmitidos no genética, sino culturalmente.